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aditya-chaphekar committed Sep 11, 2024
1 parent f16a7b8 commit 65228c7
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Showing 5 changed files with 550 additions and 29 deletions.
130 changes: 123 additions & 7 deletions docs-website/src/pages/_components/Hero/hero.module.scss
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296.877 1569 296.877C1566.79 296.877 1565 295.11 1565 292.93C1565 290.75 1566.79 288.983 1569 288.983C1571.21 288.983 1573 290.75 1573 292.93ZM1545 284.05C1547.21 284.05 1549 282.283 1549 280.103C1549 277.924 1547.21 276.157 1545 276.157C1542.79 276.157 1541 277.924 1541 280.103C1541 282.283 1542.79 284.05 1545 284.05ZM1471 320.556C1471 322.736 1469.21 324.503 1467 324.503C1464.79 324.503 1463 322.736 1463 320.556C1463 318.377 1464.79 316.61 1467 316.61C1469.21 316.61 1471 318.377 1471 320.556ZM1112 826.709C1113.48 826.709 1114.77 825.915 1115.46 824.735H1137V821.775H1115.87C1115.43 820.073 1113.86 818.815 1112 818.815C1109.79 818.815 1108 820.582 1108 822.762C1108 824.942 1109.79 826.709 1112 826.709ZM916 809.936C916 812.115 914.209 813.882 912 813.882C909.791 813.882 908 812.115 908 809.936C908 807.756 909.791 805.989 912 805.989C914.209 805.989 916 807.756 916 809.936ZM1012 783.789H949V786.749H1012V783.789ZM1182 698.937H1221.5V701.897H1182V698.937ZM1112 723.604H1155V726.563H1112V723.604ZM1260.5 723.604H1346.5V726.563H1260.5V723.604Z' fill='white'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E%0A");
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