BookWander is designed to fetch and display books in various categories, allowing users to view detailed information and make purchases directly through Google Play. The app follows the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture, ensuring a clean separation of concerns, improved code readability, and enhanced testability. This application is my first endeavor into using Jetpack Compose, and it leverages several advanced Android development concepts to provide a seamless user experience.
Jetpack Compose: Utilized Jetpack Compose to build the UI, offering a modern and efficient way to create interactive user interfaces.
MVVM Architecture: Adopted the MVVM architectural pattern to ensure clear separation of concerns, improve code readability, and enhance testability.
Retrofit: Leveraged Retrofit for seamless data fetching from external APIs, providing up-to-date information on books.
Adaptive Layouts: Ensured optimal usability across various screen sizes with adaptive layouts.
Dagger-Hilt: Leveraged Dagger-Hilt for seamless implementation of dependency injection.
Unit Testing: Utilized Unit Testing with fakes to simulate data and models, effectively testing network requests.
This project uses icons from FlatIcon.
All icons (PNG file) in the resource/drawable directories are from FlatIcon and are "Designed by Freepik".