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This repository contains the following simulation tools developed by the Athena Community Office:


Determine the flux sensitivity in a given energy band for a given instrument of the Athena X-ray mission as a function of exposure time.

The simulations can be done either running the notebook from the command line or executing (cell-by-cell) the jupyter-notebook Athena_Xray_flux_vs_expTime.ipynb. For this case, the first cell also contains the option to make plots interactive by using matplotlib widgets in a jupyter-lab (provided ipympl is installed. Simply uncomment the lines:

import ipywidgets as widgets
%matplotlib widget

Before running the program, users need to install locally HEASOFT with PyXspec.

Running the code
To run this notebook from the command line, use the script as follows:

1.- Install [papermill](
2.- Select the apropriate parameters in the script ```` or read them 
from the command line using in this case ````
3.- Run in command line:
    > python
    > python --rmffile my.rmf --arffile my.arf --bgdfile my.bgdfile ...... 

Input parameters
The meaning of the input parameters is as follows:

rmffile (str): Filename with full path of the response file for the source spectrum
arffile (str): Filename with full path of the auxiliary matrix file for the source spectrum
bgdfile (str): Filename with full path of sum background spectrum that it includes all components
HEW (float): HEW of the PSF in arcsec (def. 5.7, WFI Field of View average for on-axis HEW=5 arcsec, for X-IFU or WFI on axis use 5 arcsec)
fHEW (float): Extraction radius for the source in units of fraction of the HEW (default=1.0)
bgdArea (float): Backtround extraction area (arcsec², default 78.54)
prob (float): Detection significance for limits (default=1-1e6)
Emin (float): Lower bound of the energy interval (keV, default 2.0)
Emax (float): Upper bound of the energy interval (keV, default 10.0)
NHGal (float): Foreground Galactic column density (1e22 cm-2, default 0.018)
NH (float): Column density (1e22cm-2, default 0.020)
Gamma (float): Power law photon index (default 2.0)
z (float): Redshift (default 0)
tmin (float): Minimum value of the exposure time (s; default=1e2)
tmax (float): Maximum value of the exposure time (s; default=1e8)
nt (int): Number of exposure time values to explore (default=100)
SXlim (float): Confusion flux hard limit (cgs, default 1.21e-16 appropriate for 0.5-2 keV, for 2-10 keV use instead 2e-17 -James Aird, private communication-). This limit is a conservative assumption for the limit achieved over the entire field-of-view in the 0.5-2keV band. Different limits should be adopted depending on the desired sensitivity.
outfile (str): Filename with the output exposure time and flux limits (default 'outfile.txt')
pngfile (str): Filename with a plot with the above values (default 'pngfile.png')

Processing steps used in the code:

1. Importing libraries  
2. Defining input parameters, derived parameters and Xspec parameters  
3. Gettting background count rate in the reference band normalized to the source area  
4. Determining counts, flux (cgs units; erg cm-2 s-1), confusion flux (cgs), 
optimum extraction flux (cgs) & optimum extraction radius (arcsec) in the reference 
band over a loop of exposure times  
5. Output file with results: the information provided by the outpufile comprises: 
Time_s, Flux_cgs, Flux_confusion_cgs, FluxOptimumExtraction_cgs & RadiusOptimumExtraction_arcsec  
6. Plotting limiting sensitivity vs exposure time  

Ready-to-use Examples:

- Athena/WFI point source, FoV-averaged (0.5-2 keV):

> python --rmffile athena_wfi_rib2.3_B4C_20210218_wo_filter_FovAvg.rsp
--arffile " " --bgdfile athena_wfi_rib2.3_B4C_20210329_bkgd_sum_psf_wo_filter_FovAvg.pha --HEW 5.7
--fHEW 0.67 --bgdArea 78.54 --prob 0.999999 --Emin 0.5 --Emax 2.0 --NHGal 0.018 --NH 0.020
--Gamma 2.0 --z 6.0 --tmin 1e2 --tmax 1e8 --nt 100 --SXlim 2.0e-17
--outfile FluxvsTexp_bgd_WFI_05_2keV.topcat --pngfile FluxvsTexp_bgd_WFI_05_2keV.png

- Athena/WFI point source on-axis (2-10 keV):

> python --rmffile athena_wfi_rib2.3_B4C_20210218_wo_filter_OnAxis.rsp
--arffile " " --bgdfile athena_wfi_rib2.3_B4C_20210329_bkgd_sum_psf_wo_filter_OnAxis.pha --HEW 5.7
--fHEW 0.67 --bgdArea 78.54 --prob 0.999999 --Emin 2.0 --Emax 10.0 --NHGal 0.018 --NH 0.020
--Gamma 2.0 --z 6.0 --tmin 1e2 --tmax 1e8 --nt 100 --SXlim 1.21e-16
--outfile FluxvsTexp_bgd_WFI_2_10keV.topcat --pngfile FluxvsTexp_bgd_WFI_2_10keV.png

- Athena/X-IFU point source (0.5-2 keV):

> python --rmffile XIFU_CC_BASELINECONF_2018_10_10.rmf
--arffile XIFU_CC_BASELINECONF_2018_10_10.arf
--bgdfile Total_pointsources_XIFU_CC_BASELINECONF_2018_10_10.pha --HEW 5.7
--fHEW 0.67 --bgdArea 78.54 --prob 0.999999 --Emin 0.5 --Emax 2.0 --NHGal 0.018 --NH 0.020
--Gamma 2.0 --z 6.0 --tmin 1e2 --tmax 1e8 --nt 100 --SXlim 2.0e-17
--outfile FluxvsTexp_bgd_XIFU_05_2keV.topcat --pngfile FluxvsTexp_bgd_XIFU_05_2keV.png

The output (PNG) figures of these examples can be found in the test_examples folder.

Instruments files (response matrices and background files):

[Athena/WFI matrices and background files](
[Athena/X-IFU matrices and background files](

References for XSPEC

[XSPEC quick tutorial](
[XSPEC extended tutorial](
[XSPEC class reference](
[XSPEC python interface documentation](

Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC)

Grant PID2021-122955OB-C41 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”



Athena simulation tools by Athena Community Office



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