A tool allows you to Search, Download online videos and Extract(Audio and Images) for each downloaded video. This application is done in term of graduation project dedicated for research purposes.
- Python v3.5+
- FFmpeg
- OpenCV
- PyQT5
- youtube_dl
To easy install the necessary modules you could type this command :
sudo python setup.py install
or if you have multiple python version :
sudo python3.5 setup.py install
sudo pip3 install opencv-python
To run the app GUI/MainMenu.py is the main of the program.
- This tool was implemented on Ubuntu, it may produce errors on windows because of the difference between linux path and windows path. You can change it to avoid this Error.
- Unfortunately Bing Video Search API is not free and it is for limited duration, hence the key will be expired after a month. You should get a new one.
All the downloaded videos and the extraction results will save in "~/Documents/Videos" folder