This is a simple Python script to add page numbers to a PDF file.
Python 3.6 or later - It uses f-strings. pip-install:
pip install reportlab
pip install pdfrw
python <pdf filename>
A new PDFfile w/ page numbers, filename_pgn.pdf will be created.
ReportLab's default page size is A4. If you'd like to change it to, for example, letter, you'll need to modify a little:
canvas = Canvas(output_file, pagesize=letter)
You can also change these:
footer_text = f"{page_num}/{len(pages)}"
canvas.setFont('Times-Roman', 14)
canvas.drawString(290, 10, footer_text)
Note that x=290, y=10 are from bottom-left corner of a page.
I borrowed most of the ideas from this stackoverflow Q&As.