You need to install
(+ root + matplotlib)
Example of analysis running:
source /afs/
source /afs/
(or: load your local enviroment for root and python)
cd $my_repo/VLQatNLO_pheno
./ # check the path relative to delphes == run only once
./ ref_mass sample.root
'ref_mass' is the mass to consider for doing a specific cut
==> the path for the sample.root is taken relatively to the EOS path from the samples in cernbox == if you are doing this locally take care of the path defined to sample.root on
==> If instead of sample.root you add a name without '.root' it will process the QCD samples (taking into acount the relative cross sections)
cd $my_repo/Delphes
source /afs/
source /afs/
(or: load your local enviroment for root and python)
cp $my_repo/VLQatNLO_pheno/gen_card.tcl cards
gunzip sample.hepmc.gz
./DelphesHepMC cards/gen_card.tcl sample.root sample.hepmc
gzip sample.hepmc
There are examples of scripts to ntuplize signal and BKG (process_*)