This repo is deprecated and will be moved to once @alessiodam is done rewriting it in Go.
The server-side scripting for this project.
The server-side programming for Project TI-Trek. This is the meat of the game. It enables clients to communicate with each other, to interact with the world and each other, explore space, experience hazards, move, and much much more.
- Fix space saving (still doesn't work)
- Fully implement the compositing of terrain and entity data into frames for clients
- Implement movement of entities (ships/projectiles -- basic only) -- ships can only fire forward for now (no lock-on)
- Implement collision detection between entities and other entities/terrain objects
- Handle damaging entity based on #5
- Create a TrekFilter() object. Pass: path to filter root directory (eg: filter/) Pass: A log object (the same logger created for the server) Pass: Hitcount (number of offenses to trigger blacklist)
fw=TrekFilter(path, log_object, hitcount)
Call fw.start() to start the packet filter
Call fw.stop() to stop the packet filter
To add custom firewall modules (checks for bad behavior), drop a .py file into the filter/modules/ directory. The name of the file is the name of the method you wish to add, and the code should be in
def main():
(eg: To add a module called "test1", place "" into filter/modules/eg:
def main(conn, addr, data):
// code to perform your checks
To add custom firewall actions (responses to bad behavior), follow the exact same process as #4, but use the filter/actions/ directory instead.