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A Domain Specific Language (DSL) for the IoT.

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A Domain Specific Language (DSL) for the IoT.

abudsl is a distributed language merging the programming simplicity prerogative of Event Condition Action (ECA) rules with a powerful (decentralized) communication and coordination mechanism based on attributes. The language exploits Attribute-based memory Updates and it has its roots in the AbU calculus1.

Brief introduction

In abudsl, IoT devices (comprising sensors, actuators and internal variables) are programmed by means of rules following the Event Condition Action programming style:

on event if condition do action

This reads as: when event occurs, if condition is verified, then execute action. The event can be a change in a sensor or the modification of an actuator, while an action is a list of updates of variables and actuators.

The peculiarity of abudsl is that such rules are distributed, in the sense that they can act on a distributed network of IoT devices. Another key point is decentralization. Indeed, in abudsl, devices do not have a global knowledge about the network: communication and coordination is performed by means of an attribute-based interaction. In this respect, abudsl exploits Attribute-based memory Updates: an attributed-based interaction mechanism which is decentralized and that fits neatly within the ECA paradigm. Indeed, in abudsl a device can perform an action on itself (the current device) or on an external (remote) device. But, from the programmer point of view, both types of action are just memory updates.

Basic syntax

In the following, we gently present the grammar for the (basic) syntax of the DSL. Have a look at the abudsl-grammar for the complete syntax of abudsl. In the examples folder it is possible to find some abudsl coding examples.

File extension: the official extension for abudsl program source files is .abu.

An abudsl program consists in a non-empty list of (IoT) devices, equipped with sensors, actuators and internal variables, followed by a list of ECA rules acting on these devices.


A device is of the form:

DeviceId : Description {
[ where BooleanExpression ]

where DeviceId is the name of the device (an alphanumeric string); Description is a quoted string describing the device functionality; and ResourceDeclaration is a non-empty list of resource (sensors, actuators and internal variables) declarations. A resource can be physical or logical.

A physical resource declaration can be of the forms:

Input    physical input PrimitiveType ResourceId
Output    physical output PrimitiveType ResourceId = Value

Input physical resources are used to model sensors; while Output pyshical resources are used to model actuators. The first, are supposed to be read-only; while the latter are supposed to be write-only.

A logical resource declaration is of the form:

logical PrimitiveType ResourceId = Value

and it is used to model internal device variables. This kind of resource does not have read/write constraints. Note that, logical and physical output resources have to be declared with an initialization Value, while physical input resources do not.

Each resource is declared with a name ResourceId (an alphanumeric string) and a (primitive) type PrimitiveType. In the basic syntax of abudsl, we have the following primitive types:

  • boolean, for boolean resources like true or false
  • integer, for integer resources like 42 or -42
  • decimal, for decimal resources like 3.14 or -3.14
  • string, for (quoted) string resources like "sTr1nG"

Elements in Value belong to primitive types, hence we can have: a BooleanValue, with type boolean; a IntegerValue, with type integer; a DecimalValue, with type decimal; and a StringValue, with type string.

Strings format: strings can contain spaces and special characters, like _ (underscore), \ (backslash), # (octothorpe) or ' (single quote); but they cannot contain the double quote symbol ".

Finally, a device can be equipped with an (optional) invariant, introduced after the keyword where. The invariant is a boolean expression that the device have to fulfill during execution (no updates violating the invariant are allowed).

Here is a device full example (self-explanatory):

hvac : "An HVAC control system" {
    # Resources declaration.
    physical output boolean heating = false
    physical output boolean conditioning = false
    logical integer temperature = 0
    logical integer humidity = 0
    physical input boolean airButton
    logical string node = "hvac"
    # Device invariant.
    not (conditioning and heating)

where the lines after the keyword # are comments.

Compound resources

In abudsl it is also possible to define custom types, in order to use compound resources (something like objects). They are defined by means of a (possibly empty) list of type declarations:

define CompoundType as {

where CompoundType is an an alphanumeric string (the new type identifier) and FieldDeclaration is a non-empty list of field declarations of the form:

ResourceId : ( physical input PrimitiveType | physical output PrimitiveType | logical PrimitiveType )

Here is an example of type declaration (self-explanatory):

define GPIOButton as {
    pin : physical output integer
    status : logical boolean

Compound types are instantiated and initialized when declared in a device. This is done by using an anonymous constructor taking as parameter a possibly empty list of fields that need to be initialized. Hence, a constructor is of the form:

( [ ResourceId = Value ( , ResourceId = Value )* ] )

For instance, to instantiate the compound type GPIOButton we can insert the following resource declaration:

GPIOButton button = (pin = 38, status = false)

To access a compound resource field in expressions, we use a double brackets notation à la Python. For instance, to access the field pin of the compound resource button having type GPIOButton we can use:


Referencing rules

As said at the beginning, devices are programmed by means of ECA rules acting on them. A rule can act on multiple devices and a device can be influenced by multiple rules. Hence, each device is suffixed by a list of RuleId, namely rule names, after the (optional) keyword has. For instance:

hvac : "An HVAC control system" {
    # Resources declaration.
    logical string node = "hvac"
    # Device invariant.
    not (conditioning and heating)
} has cool warm dry stopAir

means that the device hvac can be affected by the ECA rules named cool, warm, dry and stopAir. Note that, the list of rules is optional since a device may not have specific rules acting on it (for instance, when an actuator can only be changed by external devices but its does not impact any other device).

ECA rules

An ECA rule is of the form:

rule RuleId
  on Event
  ( Task )+

where RuleId is the name of the rule; Event is a non-empty space-separated list of resources on which the rule is waiting for changes; and ( Task )+ is a non-empty list of tasks that may be activated when a resource in Event changes. Rule names and resources are alphanumeric strings. For instance:

rule dry
    on humidity temperature

is a rule named dry that is waiting for changes in the resources humidity and temperature.

An ECA rule task is of the form:

for [ all ] Condition
  do Action

where Condition is a boolean expression and Action is a list of comma-separated list of resource assignments. When Condition is satisfied, then the assignments in Action are performed. For instance:

for (2 + 0.5 * temperature < humidity and 38 - temperature < humidity)
    do conditioning = true

is a task that turns on the conditioning system (doing conditionig = true) when the humidity is above a given threshold (namely when the condition after for is true).

The full code of the dry rule is then the following:

rule dry
    on humidity temperature
    for (2 + 0.5 * temperature < humidity and 38 - temperature < humidity)
        do conditioning = true

An Action may perform multiple assignments, atomically executed. For instance:

do x = 4, y = 1 

yields a list of updates that, when committed, will simultaneously modify both resources x and y.

External tasks

ECA rule tasks may act on external devices, by using the (optional) modifier all. In this case, the condition and the action in the task may reference resources on external devices, by prefixing them with the ext. keyword. For instance:

rule notifyTemp
    on temperature
    for all (ext.node == "hvac")
        do ext.temperature = this.temperature

is a rule that updates the temperature of external devices with the temperature value of the current device (doing ext.temperature = this.temperature). External devices may be filtered. Indeed, only the devices with node == "hvac" are affected by the update. The use of the keyword this. to indicate a resource on the current device is optional.

Special rules

To easy the programming of ECA rules, abudsl provides the following rule abstractions.

Default Rule
rule RuleId
  on Event default Action
  ( Task )*

IfElse Rule
rule RuleId
  on Event
  for [ all ] Condition
    do Action
    owise Action

Let Rule
rule RuleId
  on Event
   let LetDeclaration in
  ( Task )+

In a Default rule the assignments in Action are always executed when Event happens, independently from tasks condition. In a IfElse rule the action after do is performed when Condition is true, while the action after owise is performed when Condition is false. Finally, in a Let rule the substitutions in LetDeclaration are applied inside the non-empty list of tasks ( Task )+. In particular, LetDeclaration is a semicolon-separated list of substitutions from expressions to resources. For instance, the rule

rule stupidCalculatorLet
    on x y
      let sum := (x + y); diff := (x - y) in
    for (sum > 0)
        do result = sum * diff

is equivalent to the following:

rule stupidCalculator
    on x y
    for ((x + y) > 0)
        do result = (x + y) * (x - y)


In the basic syntax of abudsl, an Expression can be a BooleanExpression, a NumericExpression or a StringExpression. The definition of expressions is standard and it comprises: boolean operators, like not (negation), and (conjunction), or (disjunction); arithmetic and string operators, like absint (absolute value for integers), absdec (absolute value for decimals), + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication), / (division), % (modulo), :: (concatenation); and comparison operators, like == (equal), != (not equal), < (less than), <= (less than or equal), > (greater than), >= (greater than or equal). The standard operators composition priority can be overridden by using left ( and right ) round brackets.

The detailed grammar of expressions can be found here.


Inline comments start with a #:

# This is an inline comment.

while multi-line comments are enclosed between \@ and @\:

    This is a multi-
    line comment.


  1. Marino Miculan and Michele Pasqua. "A Calculus for Attribute-Based Memory Updates". In Antonio Cerone and Peter Ölveczky, editors, Proceedings of the 18th international colloquium on theoretical aspects of computing, ICTAC 2021, volume 12819 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2021.


A Domain Specific Language (DSL) for the IoT.






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