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Merge pull request #483 from cf-eglendye/main
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stark4n6 authored Apr 26, 2024
2 parents 764f0ab + 1de6577 commit 6bb2962
Showing 1 changed file with 340 additions and 0 deletions.
340 changes: 340 additions & 0 deletions scripts/artifacts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
__artifacts_v2__ = {
"Wire User Profile": {
"name": "Wire User Profile",
"description": "Parses details about the user profile for Wire Messenger",
"author": "@cf-eglendye",
"version": "0.1",
"date": "2024-04-24",
"requirements": "None",
"category": "Wire Messenger",
"notes": "Tested on: Android 13 Wire v.3.81.35",
"paths": ('*/com.wire/**'),
"function": "get_wire_profile"
"Wire Contacts": {
"name": "Wire Contacts",
"description": "Parses user contacts for Wire Messenger",
"author": "@cf-eglendye",
"version": "0.1",
"date": "2024-04-24",
"requirements": "None",
"category": "Wire Messenger",
"notes": "Tested on: Android 13 Wire v.3.81.35",
"paths": ('*/com.wire/**',),
"function": "get_wire_contacts"
"Wire Messages": {
"name": "Wire Messages",
"description": "Parses messages and call history for Wire Messenger",
"author": "@cf-eglendye",
"version": "0.1",
"date": "2024-04-24",
"requirements": "None",
"category": "Wire Messenger",
"notes": "Tested on: Android 13 Wire v.3.81.35",
"paths": ('*/com.wire/**'),
"function": "get_wire_messages"

#get the modules required
import re
import sqlite3
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from os.path import isdir, basename

from scripts.artifact_report import ArtifactHtmlReport
from scripts.ilapfuncs import logfunc, tsv, open_sqlite_db_readonly, media_to_html

#wire stores the user id as a uuid in an xml file
#this function checks for the uuid within the preferences file
#then returns it to a variable as a string
def get_user_id(files_found):
for file_found in files_found:
file_found = str(file_found)
if file_found.endswith('com.wire.preferences.xml'):
tree = ET.parse(file_found)
root = tree.getroot()
for elem in root:
if 'active_account' in str(elem.attrib):
user_id = elem.text
return user_id
logfunc("Unable to locate files required to parse User ID")

#wire names the database from the user id
#this function checks the files found for the database matching the user id
#it also checks that the user id located is in a uuid format
def get_user_database(files_found, user_id):
#create a regular expression for uuids and compile it
re_uuid = r'[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$'
uuid_match = re.compile(re_uuid)

if re.match(uuid_match, user_id):
for file_found in files_found:
is_sqlite3 = lambda file_found: open(file_found, 'rb').read(16) == b'SQLite format 3\x00'
file_found = str(file_found)
user_id = str(user_id)
#check if the file found ends with the uuid user id
if file_found.endswith(user_id):
#check if the file found is also a sqlite database and is not a directory
if is_sqlite3 and not isdir(file_found):
user_database = file_found
#returns a string of the user database so it can then be queried using sqlite3
return user_database
logfunc("Located a file ending with the User ID, but it is not an SQLite DB - I'll continue looking!")
logfunc("User ID is not a UUID - decoding not supported!")

def get_wire_profile(files_found, report_folder, seeker, wrap_text, time_offset):
#get the user id and the database of the user
user_id = get_user_id(files_found)
user_database = get_user_database(files_found, user_id)
#create an empty list for the profile data
profile_data = list()

#connect to the db
db = open_sqlite_db_readonly(user_database)
cursor = db.cursor()
#sqlite query time
SELECT Users._id AS "User ID", AS "Display Name", AS"Email Address", AS "Phone Number",
json_extract(data, '$.clients[0].verification') AS "Verification Status",
json_extract(data, '$.clients[0].label') AS "Verification Device",
json_extract(data, '$.clients[0].model') AS "Device Model",
datetime(json_extract(data, '$.clients[0].regTime') / 1000, 'unixepoch') AS "Registration Date / Time",
Users.picture AS "Profile Picture"
FROM Users
LEFT JOIN Clients ON Users._id = Clients._id
WHERE Users."connection" = "self";
all_rows = cursor.fetchall()
usage_entries = len(all_rows)

#check if there were any entries in the database
if usage_entries > 0:
#iterate through all rows in the database
for row in all_rows:
profile_picture = str(row[8])
found_profile_picture = False
#iterate through all files located from the regex search
for file_found in files_found:
#check if the profile picture name from the sqlite db is in the files located
if profile_picture in file_found:
filename = basename(file_found)
thumb = media_to_html(filename,files_found,report_folder)
#update the boolean value to ensure that the profile picture gets parsed
found_profile_picture = True

#check if there was a profile picture located
if found_profile_picture:
profile_data.append((row[0],row[1],row[2],row[3],row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8], thumb))
profile_data.append((row[0],row[1],row[2],row[3],row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8], "No profile picture located"))

logfunc("No entries in the SQLite database!")

#checks if the profile data variable is populated then writes the data to the report
if profile_data:
description = 'Parses details about the user profile for Wire Messenger'
report = ArtifactHtmlReport('Wire User Profile')
report.start_artifact_report(report_folder, 'Wire User Profile', description)
data_headers = ('User ID','Display Name','Email Address','Phone Number','Verification Status',
'Verification Device','Device Model','Date Registered','Profile Picture Name', 'Profile Picture')
report.write_artifact_data_table(data_headers, profile_data, user_database, html_escape=False)

tsvname = 'Wire User Profile'
tsv(report_folder, data_headers, profile_data, tsvname)
logfunc("No profile data located!")

def get_wire_contacts(files_found, report_folder, seeker, wrap_text, time_offset):
#get the user id and the database of the user
user_id = get_user_id(files_found)
user_database = get_user_database(files_found, user_id)
#create an empty list for the contacts data
contacts_data = list()

#connect to the db
db = open_sqlite_db_readonly(user_database)
cursor = db.cursor()
#sqlite query time
Select Users._id As "User ID", As "Display Name",
Users.handle As "Handle",
Users.connection As "Connection Status",
DateTime(Users.conn_timestamp / 1000, 'unixepoch') As "Connection Date / Time",
Users.picture AS "Profile Picture ID"
From Users
Where Users.connection != 'self'

all_rows = cursor.fetchall()
usage_entries = len(all_rows)

#check if there were any entries in the database
if usage_entries > 0:
#iterate through all rows in the database
for row in all_rows:

user_id = row[0]
display_name = row[1]
handle_id = row[2]
conn_status = row[3]
conn_time = row[4]
profile_picture = row[5]

contacts_data.append((user_id, display_name, handle_id,
conn_status, conn_time, profile_picture))
logfunc("No entries in the SQLite database!")

#checks if the contacts data variable is populated then writes the data to the report
if contacts_data:
description = 'Parses details about the user contacts for Wire Messenger'
report = ArtifactHtmlReport('Wire User Contacts')
report.start_artifact_report(report_folder, 'Wire User Contacts', description)
data_headers = ('User ID', 'Display Name', 'Handle ID', 'Connection Status', 'Connection Time', 'Profile Picture ID')
report.write_artifact_data_table(data_headers, contacts_data, user_database, html_escape=False)

tsvname = 'Wire User Contacts'
tsv(report_folder, data_headers, contacts_data, tsvname)
logfunc("No contacts data located!")

def get_wire_messages(files_found, report_folder, seeker, wrap_text, time_offset):
#get the user id and the database of the user
user_id = get_user_id(files_found)
user_database = get_user_database(files_found, user_id)
#create an empty list for the messages data
messages_data = list()

#connect to the db
db = open_sqlite_db_readonly(user_database)
cursor = db.cursor()
#sqlite query time

SELECT message_id,
FROM MsgDeletion;

deleted_rows = cursor.fetchall()

if len(deleted_rows) == 0:
datetime(Messages.time / 1000, 'unixepoch'),
Messages._id AS "Message ID",,
json_extract(Messages.content, '$[0].content') AS "Content",
CASE Likings."action" WHEN 1 THEN "Liked" END,
datetime(Likings."timestamp" / 1000, 'unixepoch'), As "Liked By",
time(Messages.duration / 1000, 'unixepoch'),
From Messages
Left Join Users On Users._id = Messages.user_id
Left Join Likings On Messages._id = Likings.message_id
Left Join Users Users1 On Likings.user_id = Users1._id
LEFT JOIN Assets2 ON Messages.asset_id = Assets2._id
Order By time;

#closing read only db and opening write mode
#inserting the deleted messages into the Messages table
db = sqlite3.connect(user_database)
cursor = db.cursor()
INSERT INTO Messages (_id, time)
SELECT message_id, timestamp
FROM MsgDeletion;

UPDATE Messages
SET msg_type = 'Deleted' WHERE msg_type = '';

datetime(Messages.time / 1000, 'unixepoch'),
Messages._id AS "Message ID",,
json_extract(Messages.content, '$[0].content')AS "Content",
CASE Likings."action" WHEN 1 THEN "Liked" END,
datetime(Likings."timestamp" / 1000, 'unixepoch'), As "Liked By",
time(Messages.duration / 1000, 'unixepoch'),
From Messages
Left Join Users On Users._id = Messages.user_id
Left Join Likings On Messages._id = Likings.message_id
Left Join Users Users1 On Likings.user_id = Users1._id
LEFT JOIN Assets2 ON Messages.asset_id = Assets2._id
Order By time;

all_rows = cursor.fetchall()
usage_entries = len(all_rows)

#check if there were any entries in the database
if usage_entries > 0:
#iterate through all rows in the database
for row in all_rows:

date_time = row[0]
message_id = row[1]
user_id = row[2]
message_type = row[3]
message_content = row[4]
reaction = row[5]
reaction_dt = row[6]
reacted_by = row[7]
call_duration = row[8]
asset_id = row[9]

messages_data.append((date_time, message_id, user_id,message_type, message_content,
reaction, reaction_dt, reacted_by, call_duration, asset_id))
logfunc("No entries in the SQLite database!")

#checks if the messages data variable is populated then writes the data to the report
if messages_data:
description = 'Parses details about the messages for Wire Messenger'
report = ArtifactHtmlReport('Wire User Messages')
report.start_artifact_report(report_folder, 'Wire User Messages', description)
data_headers = ('Date / Time Sent', 'Message ID', 'User Name', 'Message Type', 'Message Content', 'Reaction', 'Date / Time Reacted',
'Reacted By','Call Duration','Asset ID - Check Path: /data/media/0/Pictures/Wire Images/')
report.write_artifact_data_table(data_headers, messages_data, user_database, html_escape=False)

tsvname = 'Wire User Contacts'
tsv(report_folder, data_headers, messages_data, tsvname)
logfunc("No message data located!")

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