Rak is a data Storage Library for Android (NoSQL) using Kryo. I was inpirated by Paper-Lib mechanism and also the dish-rack (dish structure are neatly arranged).
- Insert, Remove, and Grab.
- fast reading.
- support: POJO.
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
and in dependency project
compile 'com.github.isfaaghyth:Rak:1.0.0'
you must be initialize of Rak on onCreate() in Activity or Application.
insert data object.
Rak.entry("key", "value");
Rak.entry("key", hashMap);
Rak.entry("key", list);
grab data object.
String hai = Rak.grab("key");
HashMap<> testMap = Rak.grab("key");
List<> testMap = Rak.grab("key");
or using default value if doesn't exist in data storage.
String hai = Rak.grab("key", "default value");
HashMap<> testMap = Rak.grab("key", new HashMap());
List<> testMap = Rak.grab("key", new List());
Rak.remove("key"); //by key
Rak.removeAll(); //completely remove all data