Version: Last Update: 12-DEC-2013 Formerly: Staff Role Improvements
Expansion pack to bring lots of new functionality to the game.
I most likely will not be adding topics, platforms, etc (unless required by a module of the pack) There are many great mods that do this already, considering using @DzjengisKhan expansion pack along side Camelot for a brand new experience.
I am very open to ideas, suggestions, requests. I have never programmed in javascript before I have just been reading through the code learning by trial and error. So if you have improvement suggestions on the code I am happy to listen 😄
It is a work in progress so I have currently only added some initial ideas. The code is also pretty messy at the moment.
- None
- Staff Training - When making a game staff have the chance to improve one of their skills.
- Specialism - Added "Advanced Option" at character creation you can specialise in Design or Tech or you can increase the default skills slightly right off the bat.
- Steal - A staff member may steal some of your money. (Low chance)
- Bail Out - A staff member may get arrested.
- Better Offer - A staff member may get a better offer from another company when doing contracts.
- Lottery - Very low chance of winning the lottery.
It's very much untested in the long run currently so I would appreciate some testers/feedback. Not 100% sure how it will react to old saves as I don't currently have any, but it should integrate well and work with other mods.
Game Modes
One Man Machine - Gamemode based on being stuck in the garage. This mod will have an adjust story line allowing you to gain research, training and such. It will be very much a "Survival" mode.
Sandbox - Starting out at the last level with a random assortment already in your repertoire.
Story Line - Planning on adding in some story lines that have multiple out comes, events and such that you must play through. I am thinking something like the story from "Uplink" but a GameDev version. Possibly adding multiple different "Campaigns" to the game to allow for radically different play throughs.
Grid Expansion - Plan on adding extra features for when you release Grid
Competition - Plan on adding some competition and the ability to "buy them out"
Out Sourcing - Add some functionality to have design and tech "outsourced" to increase point production.
Office Improvements - Add some toys and things around the office to reduce the need for going on vocation.
Stock Market - Ability to buy and sell shares to generate some much needed cash. Will hopefully tie this in with the competition feature aswell.
Marketing Expansion - Addtional Marketing Methods and features
Charity Events - Ability to host charity events for hype and fans
Company Logos - Custom Logos.
Engine Market - Ability to buy game engines from other companies.
Team Leaders - Your guys can train to be team leaders and get that much needed help in their field when it comes to AAA games
Thanks to @PatrickKlug for helping me with the notification system. Thanks to @psycojustin, @iMoveQuick, @azertyman, and @VitorD for ideas and input. Thanks to @kristof1104 for his CheatMod which has come in very handy when debugging.