Source code of
Built with Django and created with DDST.
My goal was to create a simple solution for blogging without using a CMS. This blog only uses django core functionalities and the great Markdown editor martor.
This project provides a REST-API for accessing the blog and sports-dashboard data. See the documentation here: (swagger-ui) or (redoc)
A graphql api that also provides blog and sports-dashboard data is also available. See /grapqhl
for more details.
Create a .env file from the template env_template_dev with the desired values.
Build the development image:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
and go to to see your runserver.
- Pytest
docker-compose run --rm django pytest
- Run black
docker-compose run --rm django black .
- Manual get data from API-Football standings
docker-compose run --rm django /app/ import_league_standings
- (staging setup is not working)
- Bootstrap 5 Cover Example