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Crowd Funding dApp

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This is a decentralised application created in React for Crowd Funding of Web3 Projects. In this app anyone can create crowd funding campaigns and collect fund in ETHEREUM with complete transparency and security.

App Frontend is in ReactJS and contracts are written in solidity and tested with hardhat. IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) is used to store the campaign meta data. For fast client side data fetching ipfs cid of campaigns are storted in Supabase

This project is created for Alchemy Ethereum bootcamp.



Live Demo

Contracts are deployed in Sepolia Testnet at: 0xA840114c4c7B1f8aaF19c5f6e005A89F8853262a


✔️ Create Crowd Funding Camapaigns
✔️ Collect Fund in ETH from donors
✔️ Edit Campaign Metadata
✔️ See withdrawal History

Getting Started

  1. Clone this project, cd into project root directory
  2. pnpm install to download all the project dependencies.
  3. Create an empty .env file in root directory.
  4. Run pnpm run dev to start the app

Local testnet

You can use hardhat node to test the dapp locally. Hardhat and contracts are present in fork directory.

  1. Uncomment the hardhat network at src\config\modalNetworks.js
  2. Add hardhat to Browser Wallet.
  3. Insytall dependencies cd fork && pnpm install
  4. Start local testnet using npx hardhat node
  5. Update .env
  6. Use fork/scripts for deployment and testing

⚠️ Note

Never put sensitive piece of data in client side. If we were
building an enterprise app to conquer the world we would never place
this sensitive data in the client code of our blockexplorer project that
could potentially be read by anyone.


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