Happy Hacktoberfest! 🔥 HacktoberMap is a map of Hacktoberfest 2019 participants.
Link to map: https://abhijitparida.github.io/hacktobermap/
If this is your first pull request, please read this article: How To Create a Pull Request on GitHub
Fork the repo by pressing the "Fork" button on the top right side of the repository and clone your forked repository.
In your forked repository, edit hacktobermap.js
and add your name, location,
latitude and longitude to the bottom of the file using this format:
name: "Your name",
location: "Your location",
latitude: 12.34,
longitude: 56.78
You can get the coordinates of your location from https://latlong.net. Your location can be your city, your state or even your country - it's entirely up to you and how much you want to disclose on the Internet.
Warning: Do NOT put your exact coordinates for your own safety!
Commit your changes and submit a pull request! After your pull request gets accepted, you will be able to see your very own marker on the HacktoberMap!
Please star the repo if you like this fun little Hacktoberfest project ❤️
Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox