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LimeByte edited this page Oct 15, 2013 · 10 revisions

Description table (top)

Command Permission Description Alias(es)
/bn help battlenight.user Displays the help menu /bn ?/bn helpme
/bn join battlenight.user Join the Battle /bn play/bn j
/bn leave battlenight.user Leave the Battle /bn quit/bn l
/bn version battlenight.user Displays the version information /bn ver/bn about
/bn announce <message> battlenight.moderator Announce a message to all players in the Battle /bn tellall
/bn end battlenight.moderator Ends the Battle /bn stop/bn kickall
/bn kick <player> [reason] battlenight.moderator Removes the specified player from the Battle /bn remove/bn rm
/bn reload battlenight.admin Reloads BattleNight /bn refresh/bn restart/bn rl
/bn set <waypoint> [x] [y] [z] [world] battlenight.admin Sets the specified waypoint None
/bn tp <waypoint> battlenight.admin Teleport to the specified waypoint /bn teleport/bn goto
/bn waypoints battlenight.admin Displays the set/unset waypoints /bn wpoints
/bn arenas <action> [arena] battlenight.admin Various arena related commands. Possible actions are list, create, delete, addspawn, removespawn, enable, disable, name and texturepack
/bn class <classname|random> battlenight.user Selects a class by name or selects a random one if random is used instead of the class name. /bn equip
/bn ready battlenight.user Marks that you are ready to begin the Battle. /bn readyup

Permissions (top)

If permissions are disabled in your Config.yml file, opped users can use all commands and non-opped users can only use the user commands.

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