R package which implements estimation of SVARs using sign restrictions. Also includes narrative restrictions as discussed in AR18.
To install run:
To work through a minimal example with stored data. Technical details, refer to vignitte or AR18.
# Application of Uhlig (2005) - Monetary policy shock
# load data
# set up traditional sign restrictions
shock_names_uhlig <- c("Monetary Policy")
restr_matrix_uhlig <- matrix(NA, 6, 6)
restr_matrix_uhlig[1, ] <- c(NA, -2, -3, NA, -5, 6)
hor_matrix_uhlig <- matrix(NA, 6, 2)
hor_matrix_uhlig[1, ] <- c(1, 6)
uhlig_tradsign <- tradsign_setup(
shock_names = shock_names_uhlig,
restr_matrix = restr_matrix_uhlig,
hor_matrix = hor_matrix_uhlig,
cum = rep(0, 6)
# set up narrative sign restrictions
# uhlig
varnames_uhlig <- colnames(uhlig)
allshocknames <- c("MP")
shock_names <- c("MP", "MP")
shock_type <- c("sign", "contribution")
shock_dates <-
matrix(c("1979-10-01", "1979-10-01", "1979-10-01", "1979-10-01"), 2, 2)
dates <- uhlig[, 1]
relevant_variable <- c(NA, varnames_uhlig[7])
# need to explain how to select shock_sign variable
shock_sign <- c(1, 1)
# strong or weak
shock_size <- c(NA, "strong")
lag <- 12
data <- uhlig[, -1]
uhlig_narr_rest <- narrsign_setup(
allshocknames = allshocknames,
shock_names = shock_names,
shock_type = shock_type,
shock_dates = shock_dates,
dates = dates,
relevant_variable = relevant_variable,
shock_sign = shock_sign,
shock_size = shock_size,
lag = lag,
data = data
# estimate the model with traditional and narrative sign restrictions
uhlig_m <- narrsign(
data = ts(uhlig[, -1]),
lags = 12,
trad_signs = uhlig_tradsign,
narr_restr = uhlig_narr_rest,
nkeep = 1000,
draws = 100,
subdraws = 300,
elasticitybounds = NULL,
const = FALSE,
steps = 30
# plot the irfs for monetary policy shock. Notice the scaling component
scaling_trad <- 0.25 / median(uhlig_m$trad$IRFS[, 1, 1, 6], na.rm = TRUE)
scaling_narr <- 0.25 / median(uhlig_m$narr$IRFS[, 1, 1, 6], na.rm = TRUE)
whichShock = 1,
scaling_trad = scaling_trad,
scaling_nar = scaling_narr,
varnames = c(
"GDP Deflator",
"Commodity Prices",
"Total Reserves",
"Non-Borrowed Reserves",
"Federal Funds"