- What is Combine
- Building blocks of Combine
- What is a Publisher
- Different types of Publishers supported by Combine
- What is a Subscriber
- Different types of Subscribers supported by Combine
- Lifecycle of publishers & subscribers
- How to cancel a subscription
- What is an Operator
- Different types of Operators supported by Combine
- Publisher is a protocol
- Wrapping UserDefaults into a publisher
- Subscriber is a protocol
- Wrapping UserDefaults into a subscriber
- Add TapPublisher in UIButton (UIControl in general)
- Convert UIScrollViewDelegate into a Combine like API
- What is Error in Combine
- How to model custom Error
- How does Error flow
- How to react to errors
- What is Fail publisher and how to use it
- What are the operators used to transform and handle errors (Catch, TryCatch, MapError, ReplaceError, SetFailureType)
- Networking without Combine
- Networkin with Combine
- What is DataTaskPublisher
- How to make an API request
- How to handle response from server
- How to parse success response
- How to validate response to handle error
- How to parse and handle error
- Handling multiple async tasks without Combine (GCD & OperationQueue)
- Combine operators that enable handling multiple async tasks
- Merge
- Zip
- CombineLatest
- Debounce
- Threading without Combine
- Threading with Combine
- SubscribeOn operator
- ReceiveOn operator
What is Combine
- The Combine framework provides a declarative Swift API for processing values over time. These values can represent many kinds of asynchronous events.
- Combine declares publishers to expose values that can change over time, and subscribers to receive those values from the publishers.
- Customize handling of asynchronous events by combining event-processing operators.
Building blocks of Combine
- Publisher
- Subscriber
- Operator
What is a Publisher
- Declares that a type can transmit a sequence of values over time.
- Source of values
Different types of Publishers supported by Combine
- Just
- Fail
- Future
- Deferred
- DataTaskPublisher
- NotificationCenter.Publisher
- NSObject.KeyValueObservingPublisher
- @Published
- PassthroughSubject
- CurrentValueSubject
- AnyPublisher
- many more...
What is a Subscriber
- A Subscriber instance receives a stream of elements from a Publisher, along with life cycle events describing changes to their relationship.
- Consumer of values
Different types of framework supported Subscribers
- Sink
- Assign
- AnySubscriber
Lifecycle of publishers & subscribers
- How to cancel a subscription
- Cancellable
- AnyCancellable
What is an Operator
- Operators are those publishers which can't generate value on their own but rather transform the value provided by a source publisher or a previous operator
- They are used between a publisher and a subscriber
- Roughly 3 kinds of operators
- ones which modify the values
- ones which modify the thread
- ones which modify the stream itself
Different types of Operators supported by Combine
- Map
- FlatMap
- Filter
- Catch
- MapError
- Merge
- Zip
- Publisher is a protocol
public protocol Publisher {
/// The kind of values published by this publisher.
associatedtype Output
/// The kind of errors this publisher might publish.
associatedtype Failure : Error
/// This function is called to attach the specified `Subscriber` to this `Publisher` by `subscribe(_:)`
func receive<S>(subscriber: S) where S : Subscriber, Self.Failure == S.Failure, Self.Output == S.Input
// Self.Failure == S.Failure, Self.Output == S.Input
Wrapping UserDefaults into a publisher
Subscriber is a protocol
public protocol Subscriber : CustomCombineIdentifierConvertible {
/// The kind of values this subscriber receives.
associatedtype Input
/// The kind of errors this subscriber might receive.
associatedtype Failure : Error
/// Tells the subscriber that it has successfully subscribed to the publisher and may request items.
/// Use the received `Subscription` to request items from the publisher.
func receive(subscription: Subscription)
/// Tells the subscriber that the publisher has produced an element.
func receive(_ input: Self.Input) -> Subscribers.Demand
/// Tells the subscriber that the publisher has completed publishing, either normally or with an error.
func receive(completion: Subscribers.Completion<Self.Failure>)
- Wrapping UserDefaults into a subscriber
Complete UIControl.Publisher
Convert UITableView's scrollViewDidScroll method into a Publisher
- What is Error in Combine
- Error is part of
both - Any subscription can terminate in two ways, either via
is used to send errors- Just like value, we can also transform and observe errors
- Error is part of
public protocol Publisher {
/// The kind of errors this publisher might publish.
/// Use `Never` if this `Publisher` does not publish errors.
associatedtype Failure : Error
public protocol Subscriber {
/// The kind of errors this subscriber might receive.
/// Use `Never` if this `Subscriber` cannot receive errors.
associatedtype Failure : Error
extension Subscribers {
/// - finished: The publisher finished normally.
/// - failure: The publisher stopped publishing due to the indicated error.
public enum Completion<Failure> where Failure : Error {
case finished
case failure(Failure)
How to model custom Error
How does Error flow
How to react to errors
A note about Never
/// Use `Never` as the return type when declaring a closure, function, or
/// method that unconditionally throws an error, traps, or otherwise does
/// not terminate.
/// func crashAndBurn() -> Never {
/// fatalError("Something very, very bad happened")
/// }
public enum Never {}
- Networking without Combine
- Networkin with Combine
- What is DataTaskPublisher
- How to make an API request
- How to handle response from server
- How to parse success response
- How to validate response to handle error
- How to parse and handle error
- Handling multiple async tasks without Combine (GCD & OperationQueue)
- Combine operators that enable handling multiple async tasks
- Merge
- Zip
- CombineLatest
- Debounce
- Threading without Combine
- Threading with Combine
- SubscribeOn operator
- ReceiveOn operator