Setup mounts as sysemd Service.
This Playbook creates a Systemd Service for mounting Shares.
So you can use mounts as system Servie.
Works for debian stretch, and Jessie if you use systemd.
for Example:
systemctl status mount-point.mount
systemctl start mount-point.mount
systemctl stop mount-point.mount
Appdir: # description of the Service
share: //apps.local/apps$ # Share to mount from
mount: /opt/app # Folder to mount in
type: nfs # mount type (look at mount man page)
options: uid=1000 # Options, username...
automount: false # If false: the service will mount at boot
# if true: Mount when access on the Folder and on boot
- hosts: all
- role: systemd-mounts
share: //logserver.local/logs$
mount: /mnt/logs
type: cifs
options: domain=local,username=user,password=password,uid=1000,gid=1000
automount: true
share: //apps.local/apps$
mount: /opt/app
type: nfs
options: uid=1000
automount: false