Simple faucet to fund Ethereum accounts
To install the faucet as a "dotnet new" template use the following command:
dotnet new -i Nethereum.Templates.Faucet::*
Then run:
dotnet new nethereumfaucet -n BankConsortiumFaucet
Where -n BankConsortiumFaucet is the NameSpace of your project.
All the source files can be found on the Content folder.
Please modify the appsettings file to provide the Ethereum address, Explorer for transactions, private key and the maximum amount to fund.
"EthereumAddress": "http://ETHEREUM-ADDRESS:8545",
"FunderPrivateKey": "PRIVATE KEY",
"MaxAmountToFund": 100,
"AmountToFund": 10,
"UrlTxnExplorer": "http://BLOCKEXPLORER-ADDRESS/tx/"