This is a gradle plugin for android. Refresh (upload and download) localization files using
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.github.likandr:lokalise-plugin:1.3'
apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'com.likandr.lokalise'
android {
dependencies {
//it important and should be specified id(project) and token(api with r/w the access rights)
lokalise {
// optional: you can also specify additional options for use during downloading the translations
downloadConfig {
// all values here have their default value as present in this snippet
// Enable to use original filenames/formats. If set to false all keys will be export to a single file per language.
originalFilenames = false
// Export key sort mode
order = "first_added" //one of: first_added, last_added, last_updated, a_z, z_a
// Select how you would like empty translations to be exported. Allowed values are empty to keep empty, base to replace with the base language value, or skip to omit
emptyTranslationStrategy = "skip" //one of: empty, base, skip
//if need autoupdate strings before build uncomment the following line[1]:
//preBuild.dependsOn "refreshStrings"
P.s. List of available manipulations is in the gradle folder lokalise.
P.p.s. The plugin itself recognizes the default language of the project from lokalise.
[1] run with param
(when uploading) --- replace existing translations of the keys imported - disabled. But when downloading transfers will be overwritten.