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Advanced Context

Arthur Bleil edited this page Mar 15, 2022 · 4 revisions


  1. The context structure
  2. The typing mechanism
  3. Creating components or actions with implicit contexts
  4. Keep reading

The context structure

The Context API in the Beagle Backend TS is its way of creating Beagle Expressions safely. Beagle Expressions are strings in the format "@{expression}". This API is important because it's very hard and dangerous to work directly with strings, since we can't type them.

A Context can be read, set or declared. For reading a context, beagle uses expressions like "@{}" or "@{user.documents[0]}". The important information we need to have about a Context is the string between "@{" and "}", we call it the Context path.

The class that represents the Context Path is the ContextNode. Every Context in Beagle Backend TS is an instance of ContextNode or an instance of a class that extends ContextNode.

The ContextNode class has 4 important methods.

  • get(property): returns another ContextNode where the path is `${this.path}.${property}`.
  • at(index): returns another ContextNode where the path is `${this.path}[${index}]`.
  • toString(): this is how we're able to use contexts in string interpolations and serialize it. It returns `@{${this.path}}`.
  • set(value): this is how we solve the "set" part of the problem "a Context can be read, set or declared". This accepts a value and creates an instance of Action, this action is a "beagle:setContext".

We called this class ContextNode because one ContextNode spawns other ContextNodes via the methods get and at. These new ContextNodes have a reference to the parent in their paths. This structure simbolizes a tree where each node is a Context.

The only problem we still need to solve is how to declare a context. In the JSON form, a context can be declared for a component in the following manner:

  "_beagleComponent_": "beagle:container",
  "context": {
    "id": "user",
    "value": { "name": "John", "documents": [] }

The id already exists in the class ContextNode, it's the path. But we still need to inform the initial value. To solve this we created a new class that extends ContextNode. This special kind of ContextNode that can have an initial value is called RootContext, since this node will always be the root if with interpret the context path as a tree.

The RootContext, instead of only accepting a path in its constructor, also accepts an initial value. The function createContext, provided by the lib, does nothing more than creating an instance of this class.

Since only RootContexts can be declared, they're Local Contexts. The attribute context of a Component only accepts a RootContext, if you try to pass a common ContextNode to it, the code won't compile.

The typing mechanism

You might be asking yourself "if the function createContext only instantiates a RootContext, why can't I write new RootContext(id, initialValue) instead of createContext(id, initialValue)?".

This is because the types RootContext and ContextNode are not type-safe. If we used this type, we'd be able to access get and at for every kind of context and we don't want this. Contexts that represents objects should have only get, contexts that represent arrays should have only at and contexts that represent primitive types should have none. To achieve this behavior we need to declare new types and use Typescript's conditional typing feature to write them.

The new types with the behavior we want are:

  • PrimitiveContextNode<T>: it's a NodeContext of T, but it doesn't have the methods get and at.
  • MapContextNode<T>: it's a NodeContext of T, but it doesn't have the method at.
  • ArrayContextNode<T>: it's a NodeContext of T, but it doesn't have the method get.
  • Context<T>: this is the most useful of these types and should be the one you actually use in your code. It's a conditional type: if T is a map, it's assigned to MapContextNode<T>, if T is an array, it's assigned to ArrayContextNode<T>, otherwise it's assigned to PrimitiveContextNode<T>.

All of the types above have a RootContext equivalent: PrimitiveRootContext<T>, MapRootContext<T>, ArrayRootContext<T> and LocalContext<T>.

You don't need to worry too much about these types, the functions createContext, createContextNode, context.get and will take care of this for you.

Creating components or actions with implicit contexts

Implicit contexts are always created by components or actions in the frontend, all we do here is create references to them. If you're creating a component that has an event that spawns an implicit context, you can use the function createContextNode to create the reference.

We use createContextNode instead of createContext because we are not declaring a new context, they don't have an initial value and they are not associated to the attribute context of a Component. In other words, these are contexts with only a path, they're instances of ContextNode, but not RootContext.

createContextNode accepts a single argument: the name (path) of the context. See the example below:

import { BeagleJSX, FC, createContextNode } from '@zup-it/beagle-backend-core'

interface Props {
  onChange: (value: Context<string>) => Actions,

const TextInput: FC<Props> = ({ id, onChange }) => {
  const onChangeActions = onChange(createContextNode('onChange'))
  return <component name="textinput" id={id} properties={{ onChange: onChangeActions }} />

First, we declared that our component accepts the attribute onChange, which should be a function that receives a Context of type string and returns Actions (an Action or an array of Action).

When we create the actual component via the tag <component />, we must execute onChange first to compute the actual actions that should go into the component. A component can accept Beagle Actions, but it can never receive functions as its properties (functions are not serializable).

To create the implicit context that goes in the function argument, we use the function createContextNode. The single argument we pass is the name of the context, this should be the same name the frontend uses. To avoid confusion, we recommend always naming it according to the event. For instance, if the event name is onChange, the context name should be onChange.

The same strategy can be used when creating actions that spawn implicit contexts.

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