d484918 : fix nesteddict/chanfig.get does not return None by default (Zhiyuan Chen)
1794484 : fix nesteddict/chanfig.get does not return None by default (Zhiyuan Chen)
0e02dbc : fix error when loading an empty file (Zhiyuan Chen)
a56370a : update pyupgrade setting (Zhiyuan Chen)
1c59a79 : [] pre-commit autoupdate (#20 ) (pre-commit-ci[bot])
09b89b7 : fixes #21 : add docs in 'get' (Zhiyuan Chen)
859f92f : update licenses (Zhiyuan Chen)
0b2d32b : improve docs (Zhiyuan Chen)
eaf1799 : [] pre-commit autoupdate (#22 ) (pre-commit-ci[bot])
06cf196 : improve log for empty (Zhiyuan Chen)
4438037 : use empty instead of empty_like (Zhiyuan Chen)
1dba41d : add converting context manager (Zhiyuan Chen)
2c58032 : fixes convert_mapping applied too widely in init (Zhiyuan Chen)
fa3bb74 : update coverage report (Zhiyuan Chen)
810c35b : improve readme (Zhiyuan Chen)
b57eaaf : update typehints (Zhiyuan Chen)
cb3da48 : support post_init (Zhiyuan Chen)
69be759 : only build pages in main branch & releases (Zhiyuan Chen)
6f3f7a0 : avoid conflicts with magic methods (Zhiyuan Chen)
83d3877 : minor improvements (Zhiyuan Chen)
9110ab5 : validate now inspects type annotations (Zhiyuan Chen)
f01c288 : make variable support descriptor protocol (Zhiyuan Chen)
4b3d502 : fixes FlatDict.load may not work on subclass (Zhiyuan Chen)
f1e7793 : fixes from_yamls error when enabling yamlinclude (Zhiyuan Chen)
b9e728d : support sort (Zhiyuan Chen)
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