Server Update 9.0.1
Additions in 9.0.1:
- Server-side login token verification (prevents CID spoof)
- Japanese (SJIS) support for mail (prevents crash)
- Guild Reception enumeration
- Guild recruitment closure
- Launcher can now be navigated using only the keyboard
- Return/Enter key now does Login/Launch in the launcher
- Period and Comma keys now scroll through characters in the launcher
Fixes in 9.0.1:
- Revert Road Shop changes
- Fix read-locked channel player lists
- Re-enables guild/alliance chat across all Lands
- Raviente announcements are no longer sent to your own Land
- Treasure Hunts will expire after 7 days
- Treasure Hunts will no longer return more than 30 hunts
- Setting guild recruiters no longer cause softlock
- 'View Candidates' no longer causes softlock