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Conway's Game of Life is a turing-complete simulator of cellular life. Each cell has eight total neighbors, and each cell is either living or dead at the beginning of a round. The cells obey three simple rules:
- Any living cell with two or three living neighbors lives on
- Any living cell with more than three neighbors dies from over-population
- Any dead cell with exactly three living neighbors comes to life
This version was implemented with the p5.js library, which is a port of the Processing language to JavaScript. This library is designed to make creative coding fast and easy. p5.js is designed to run the draw
function on a loop. The setup
function runs only once.
In the setup
function I draw a board for the cells, with random state for each cell, either alive (in color) or dead (black), which is calculated by the init
function. Then, on each round of draw
I cover up the last round (redrawing the background), iterate through the board, and use the isAlive
function to determine whether the cell should be alive (color) or dead (black). The isAlive
function is where I implement the rules stated above.