- Exercise 2 - Deploying a microservice to Kubernetes
- Exercise 3 - Creating a Kubernetes Service
- Exercise 4 - Scaling In and Out
- Exercise 5 - Installing Istio
- Exercise 6 - Creating a Service Mesh with Istio Proxy
- Exercise 7 - Istio Ingress Controller
- Exercise 8 - Request Routing and Canary Deployments
- Exercise 9 - Fault Injection
- Exercise 10 - Telemetry and Rate Limiting with Mixer
These workshop exercises are built with the help from a number of amazing Kubernetes and Istio Experts from Google and Grand Cloud.
Ray Tsang @saturnism
The Kubernetes and Istio Exercises are dervied from the work of Ray Tsang @saturnism and these repositories:
Zach Butcher @ZachButcher
Zach was insturmental in helping write the Istio tutorials.
Kelsey Hightower @kelseyhightower
The Istio Ingress Tutorial is largely based on the work of Kelsey and this repository:
Kelsey's tutorial uses more advance features of Kubernetes to taint some of the nodes so that the ingress controller runs on dedicated nodes. The ingress controller is then deployed as a daemonset.