Allows changing player chat icons by group or steam id
"Groups": { // Groups from the Permissions plugin
"Admins": "/Game/PrimalEarth/UI/Textures/ServerAdminChat_Icon.ServerAdminChat_Icon", // Keep this line unless you want to override/remove the default ServerAdmin icon
"Donor": "/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/StatusIcons/Mating_Icon.Mating_Icon"
"TribeIds": {
"123456790": {
"SomeTribeRank1": "/Game/PrimalEarth/UI/Textures/WildcardAdminChat_Icon.WildcardAdminChat_Icon",
"SomeTribeRank2": "/Game/PrimalEarth/UI/Textures/StatsIcons/Fortitude_Icon.Fortitude_Icon"
"SteamIds": {
"1234567890": "/Game/Aberration/Icons/Resources/Gem3_Icon.Gem3_Icon"
"Debug": false // Settting to true will print debug messages. You probably don't need or care about this.
- Only icons that exist within ARK or from Mods can be used.
- If a player is matched against multiple icon entries (e.g. Group and SteamId), the first entry matched in this order will be used:
- Steam Id
- Tribe Id (and rank)
- Permission Group
- Removing the "Admins" key from the Groups section will disable the default ServerAdmin tag. Similarly, specifying a different icon for "Admins" will override the default ServerAdmin tag.
- ChatIcons.Reload - Reloads the config
- ChatIcons.Reload - Reloads the config