Releases: ZUGFeRD/mustangproject
This version adds support to parse charges/allowances (#651), allows allow allowance and charge reasoncodes also on document level (#657), allows multiple invoice referenced documents (#631) and supports a PDF validation report output (using --log-as-pdf
, it's currently not yet documented anywhere).
Further fixes include
- allow to add includedNotes with type
- #356 print version of xml report
- #645 Fix visualization of validation logs
- #639 Fix invoice calculation if rounding amount is present
- #633 Bump ch.qos.logback:logback-core from 1.2.13 to 1.5.13
- #626 Fix minor java issues
- #622 Fix FOP config
- #629 Visualizing xml
- #630 Fix issue #296 (Validation-Error: Ungültiger Content wurde beginnend mit Element 'ram:DueDateDateTime' ) (duplicate of #565)
- #658 prevent nullpointerexception
- #648 Fix log visualization
- #652 Discount VAT is not subtracted from duepayable
- #620 Fix logback config
- #653 ZF2EdgeTest: methods 'getPaymentMeansCode()' & 'getPaymentMeansInformation()' does not override super methods
- #654 remove wrong test methods
Mustang 2.15.2 features minor corrections for
- #618 import BT-20
- correctly import additional referenced documents into invoice/corrected setting of attachments from jackson
- corrected parseException structure
Validation - allow 1p0 as potential xmp version number
and Writing - correcly write charge reason codes also for non-Xrechnung #617
- #599 add tax category code for free export
- #600 Fixes a problem where a stream was not safely closed
Mustang 2.15.1 now also reads lineId and IncludedNotes on item- as well as InvoiceReferencedDocument and IncludedNotes, lineTotalAmount, TaxBasisAmount, duePayableAmount and prepaidamount on document level as well as classes like DirectDebit from both CII and UBL to/from JSON.
Error IDs are now logged in validation, fatal errors may no longer appear as warnings (#595) and various possible exceptions in the "metrics" action have been solved.
This release fixes some errors and supports Factur-X/ZUGFeRD 2.3.2 (#531)
It uses its UBL compatible InvoiceImporter as basis for the ZUGFeRDimporter convenience methods (#435). It additionally fixes a PDF/A validation issue #538, converts UBL and CII to validated PDF/A #523, now also supports validation warnings #532 and also validates UBL credit notes #555.
Today, October 6th, 2024, version 2.14.1 of the Open Source e-invoicing toolkit Mustangproject was released without any new features but fixing
ZUGFeRD 2.3.0 support (fixing multiple validation issues).
- #467 Fix test using wrong file
- #468 Fix validator dependencies
- #482 Fix current validation errors
- #423 can no longer add attachments via cli
- #465 cli version should also be able to combine PDF/A-3 source
- #472 Fix logging implementation missing in CLI
- #471 Fix LegalOrganisation schemeId
- #473 Fix UnsupportedOperationException in buildNotes
New Features
- #456 Provide a way to set uriUniversalCommunicationId on the TradeParty using JSON deserialization
- #461 UBL import contacts
- #463 add support for BT-33, i.e. Tradeparty description #463
- #469 Enable EN16931 schema validation for XRechnung
- #476 Add DesignatedProductClassification for SpecifiedTradeProduct
- #487 update to zugferd 2.3.0
Mustangproject now allows to access embedded files in invoices :-)
- Avoid NullPointerException if dueDate is not set. #441
- Fix build warnings from editing and building. #415
- ZUGFeRDVisualizer.toPDF(): generate PDF/A-3b. #400
- No interface for required field CreditorReferenceID #436 and
- filename of embedded file was not xrechnung.xml when using profile xrechnung #452
- allow legalorganisation to have a tradingbusinessname #447
- JSon deserialization does not work with BankDetails #455
- Fix ClassCastException in CLI ( #451
- refactor(ZUGFeRDVisualizer): improve PDF visualization performance #438
- product creation without description now possible empty description
New Features
- Item Attributes and Country of Origin missing on Product. #420
- X-Rechnung direct-debit missing mandatory field BT-90 #370. (langfr)
- support reasoncodes #431
- Enhance Charges/Allowances with reasonCode. #432
- changed additional references by line from String to List and implemented it on Item #454
- allow access to invoice attachments via ZUGFeRDInvoiceImporter zii.getFileAttachmentsPDF()
and XML (zii.getFileAttachmentsXML)
2.12.0 (requiring Java 11+)
- set profile to XRechnung if XR is imported #395
- #397 Build succeeds but file is unusable on alpine/docker
- Fix #389: ClassCastException: ZUGFeRDExporterFromA3
- ZF extended no longer requires deliverydate #411
- ubl visualization: no longer require ubl namespace prefix #416
- #392 CLI: action combine: –ignorefileextension to ignore PDF/A input file errors dosen’t work
- Return all BankDetails from parsed CII xml: #408.
- Jakarta XML support #372
- Upgrade to PDFBox 3 #373
- Requires Java 11 due to PH-Schematron 8
- for CLI combine, fx is now default
- logback (#402) and java.util.logging (#407) removed in favor of slf4j #402
- Powershell compatibility: added –no-additional-attachments command line option for better batch processing:
- In cmd also –attachments “” worked but in powershell it was hard to figure out that one had to use –attachments ‘””‘
New features
Mustangproject 2.11.0
- EN16931 validation 1.3.12 codelists v11 #357
- Fonts removed #358
- invoice's getSender/getRecipient() now return tradeparty no IZUGFeRDExportableTradeParty
- #314 ZUGFeRDInvoiceImporter additional constructur
- InvoiceImporter UBL to also parse contacts and other UBL improvements
- (first) IBAN is now parsed into sender's getBankDetails
- Gross price removed if equal net #369 / surrendered to XRechnung 3 compromises, e.g. no longer put gross amount if it does not deviate from net
New features
- ZUGFeRDImporter to also accept xml files (previously that needed to be run through XMLImporter)
- Xrechnungimporter to also read from filename, inputstream
- Support inputstreams #379
- be able to programmatically access validation messages #382
- added cash discount write support (new class, previously only possible for XRechnung, not ZF Extended, using a manually encoded setPaymentTermDescription)