Welcome to CSIT314 project repo for RoadSideAssistance Application
You will need to install
- MySQL server and workbench
- Node.js
- JDK18
- Intellij
- Postman
mvn clean install
mvn -B package --file pom.xml
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true test
mvn run
To start the application (backend and front end) we first need to create a local mysql connection, this can be done with the MySQL workbench
Start up MySQL workbench
Create a local connection using port 3306
Run the createUsers.sql file
During development, tables will be created by springBoot, this will then be switched to instead validate against a DB when released
To start the application, run the main method in RoadSideAssistanceApplication
cd into the frontend directory
cd FrontEnd
install all dependencies
npm install
start react project
npm start
The frontend can be accessed via
The backend API can be accessed via