This is a beginner guide that includes the implemtneaiton of google's android basics all 7 codelabs implmentation and a little advance topic for optimization and robust code . It incudes the implmentation of below :
- All Basic jetpack compose Ui elements.(with ModalDrawer)
- Type safe navigation (extend of navigation taught in the course)
- Retrofit (with basics calls and PATCH also)
- Preference DataStore
- Room Database
- Artitecture principles that includes the implementation of viewmodel , repository , UiState .
- Different Width Size as per the screen
- Material UI theme builder See if youa are seeking the implentation of the all the beginner concept and with advanve challenges it is best project to go , although it ahve a lot mistakes so i will be obliged to get them know it . For the application i had learnt to build a server with Ktor integrading the postgreSql database , you can reach it at limit-life-server projet , for code