Android Studio 3.2.1
cPanel, Mysql
Our project is going to be centered around Spotify. We are going to use Spotify API’s to access user data and listening history. We will use this information to construct databases to keep track of musical tastes. These databases will then be used to evaluate similarity between multiple user’s music tastes and to make recommendations to users on music they would all like.
Login in with Spotify API, we will import your user information(user_id, username) and recent listening history into our backend database. if you successfully login in, redirect to home page of our application.
show Recent Trend (Top popularity tracks,albums,artists)
click on the Track/Album/Artist for more details
Search by tracks, artists, albums
Follow/unfollow other users
click on the email icon, you can automatically go to the Email Application.
Leave your message with us!
Show message if email address is invalid.
compare how similar with your friends. click on another user you are following, it will show a progress bar which indicates how similar you are with your friends.
we use this algorithm to calculate the similarity:
- same tracks, Plus 10 points!
- same album, Plus 8 points!
- same artist, Plust 6 points!
we followed the algorithm:
- find the most similar another user (based on track listening history)
- get the listening list of that user, find out which songs I haven't listened befored.
- show a track of that list randomly