This is a tiny js/jQuery toolbox for psychological experiment by Yi-Chia Chen. You may find more resource I collected for online experiment here: The example experiment can be viewed here:
- End the experiment if people refresh after a certain point in formal experiment (Wait for Safari to support PerformanceNavigationTiming)
- Add method to restart a block
- Write unit tests
5.1.0 (2023.02.10):
- The next trial was not properly fetched before, it's fixed now
- Remove UserAgent collection
- Integrate rest method in task.js
5.0.3 (2022.11.09):
- Fix a few bugs
5.0.2 (2022.08.25):
- Replace var to let
- Add repeat trial at the end of the trial list rather than the beginning
- Simplify sound loading function
- Adjust instruction reading timer for easier customization
- Rename subj.submitQ() to subj.submitAnswers()
5.0.1 (2022.07.01):
- Make sure functions and methods are using duplicated lists
5.0.0b (2022.01.18):
- Break down expt.js to subj.js, instr.js, & task.js
- Fix function and class naming
- Update example experiment
- Use array instead of dictionary for instructions
- Update to for of/in loop wherever possible
- Break down some functions
4.3.1 (2021.01.07):
- Add subject number callback function in expt.js
4.2.1 (2020.12.08):
- Fix a bug in function RECURSIVE_COMBINE in func.js
- Fix a bug in example experiment open-ended response saving (replacing linebreak)
4.2.0 (2020.11.05):
- Fix a bug in function FACTORIAL_COND in func.js
4.1.1 (2020.10.06):
- Update example experiment
- Rename instrObject attribute qConditions & qAttemptN to quizConditions & quizeAttemptN
4.1.0b (2020.10.05):
- Remove personalized default values for attributes
- Change how instruction text is input into instrObject
- Add POSITIVE_MOD function in func.js
4.0.0b (2020.10.02):
- Add many new functions to and reorganize func.js
- Add instruction elements as attribute of instrObject
- Get rid of invalidIDFunc and validIDFunc in subjObject
- Hide and show instructions for each page
3.2.0 (2020.09.11):
- Add TO_DEGREES in func.js
- Add new example experiment
3.1.4 (2020.08.19):
- Fix a bug
3.1.3 (2020.08.12):
- Clean up the reading time code
3.1.2 (2020.07.28):
- Change how instructions reading time is saved
3.1.1 (2020.06.01):
- Rest method updated and tested
3.1.0 (2020.05.22):
- Add buffer video function to func.js
- Delete redundant code in expt.js
3.0.0 (2020.05.18):
- Add tab switching detection
- Add rest (untested)
- Add instruction reading time recording
- Add visit recording besides attrition recording
- Add CAPITALIZE() to func.js
- Delete ID recording for privacy reasons
- Update the example experiment to include space key detection, hCaptcha, directory/file creation, and sona credit granting
- Clean up syntax
2.0.1 (2020.04.09):
- Fix a bug
2.0.0 (2020.04.06):
- Add a progress indicator
- Add detection for elements in full view
- Split trial.end() into trial.end() and
- Separate obtain subject ID into its own method
- Add subj.obtainCondition()
- Add an example experiment
- Fixed some formatting (but not all...)
1.1.0 (2020.01.20):
- Renamed the files and fixed formatting style
1.0.2 (2019.07.02):
- Fixed some bugs
1.0.2b (2019.07.01):
- Added CHECK_IF_RESPONDED function
1.0.1 (2019.06.13):
- Fixed some bugs
1.0.0 (2019.06.13):
- First version