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Mudskipper: Multiplex CLIP processing pipeline from fastq.gz to binding sites and motifs


  • Main environment: Snakemake 7.3.8 and scipy:
    • Snakemake Installation
    • install snakemake 7.3.8 using rules/envs/snakemake.yaml.
    • Snakemake 8 has different command line options that will need modification in --profile
  • Singularity 3.11: Singularity.
    • If you are on a server, ask the sys admin to install it. Sometimes there are weird permission issue if you install on your own.
    • Not recommended: install via conda
  • Download this repository by git clone

How to run. (Using ABC as an example)

  1. Download data from SRA.
    • utils/download_sra.smk this script can help you download.
  2. Prepare config and manifest PATH_TO_YOUR_CONFIG. Example inputs:
    • config file: config/preprocess_config/oligose_k562.yaml
    • manifest: config/fastq_csv/ABC_2rep.csv
    • barcode csv: config/barcode_csv/ABC_barcode.csv
  3. Adjust profile for your cluster and computing resource:
  4. Run snakemake
    snakemake -s snakeABC_SE.smk \
        --configfile config/preprocess_config/oligose_k562_noalt.yaml \
        --profile profiles/tscc2 \
    • -s: use snakeOligoCLIP_PE.smk if you did YeoLab internal pair-end protocol. use snakeABC_SE.smk if you did ABC
    • --configfile: yaml file to specify your inputs, including where are the fastqs, what are the barcode, what reference genome...etc.
    • -n: dry run.
    • the rest of the options are in --profile. Adjust as needed. see documentation

Refer to the following sections to learn what to include in your configuration.

Options for Input files

  • Multiplex Example:
    • Yeo lab internal pair-end protocol: config/preprocess_config/oligope_iter5.yaml
    • ABC single-end protocol: config/preprocess_config/ABC_2rep.yaml
  • Singleplex Example:
    • ABC single-end protocol: config/preprocess_config/oligose_single_rbfox2_hek.yaml
    • Yeo lab internal paired-end protocol: config/preprocess_config/oligope_v5_nanos2.yaml
    • Process 1 type of singleplex per 1 manifest.

MANIFEST: a CSV file specifying FASTQ file locations and replicate information

All FASTQ files in the same manifest should have the same combinations of barcodes. For example, if you performed two singleplex experiments—one with barcode 1 and the other with barcode 2—they should be specified in two separate config files.

  • Example files:
    • Multiplex Example:
      • Yeo lab paired-end: config/fastq_csv/katie_pe_iteration5.csv
      • ABC: config/fastq_csv/ABC_2rep.csv
    • Singleplex Example:
      • Yeo labe paired-end: config/fastq_csv/V5_NANOS2.csv
      • ABC: /config/fastq_csv/ABC_SLBP_singleplex.csv
  • columns:
    • fastq1&fastq2: *.fastq.gz file for read1 and read 2
    • libname: unique names for each library. Should not contain space, special characters such as #,%,*
    • experiment: unique names for experiment. Rows with the same experiment will be treated as replicates. Should not contain space, special characters such as #,%,*

barcode_csv: specifies the barcode sequencing information for each Antibody/RBP.

  • Example: config/barcode_csv/iter5.csv
  • Notebook to generate this file (Yeolab internal user): utils/generate barcode-iter5.ipynb
  • delimiter: :
  • columns:
    • 1st column: barcode sequence
      • YeoLab internal protocol: read 2 starts with this sequence. Double check with zcat READ2.fastq.gz | grep BARCODE_SEQ. This sequence is reverse complement to the adapter sequence (see notebook for detail)
      • ABC: read starts with this sequence.
    • 2nd column: Antibody/RBP name, Should not contain space, special characters such as #,%,*.

Options to Control Output

  • WORKDIR: output directory
  • RBP_TO_RUN_MOTIF: list of RBP names to run motif analysis. Must be one of the rows in barcode_csv.

Although the Mudskipper paper describes the Dirichlet Multinomial Mixture (DMM) algorithm, this pipeline supports all other peak callers and background models benchmarked in the paper. Below are options for running them. For everyday use, it is recommended to set all of these options to False unless you are specifically trying to regenerate all results.

  • run_clipper: True if you want CLIPper outputs (works, but slow)
  • run_skipper: True if you want to run Skipper. (usually doesn't work in ABC)
  • run_comparison: True if you want to run other peak caller such as Piranha and OmniCLIP
    • DB_FILE and GENOME_dir: are the omniclip files. check out their github on how to run them
  • debug: True if you want to debug. This tries to blast the unmapped reads.

Options to Choose Backgrounds

By default, if the options below are left blank, the pipeline runs the Dirichlet Multinomial Mixture (DMM) algorithm for multiplex datasets, where RBPs are explicitly compared against each other. DMM is the most effective model for multiplex datasets. There is an option to compare to 'internal control' such as a spike-in or IgG etc with a barcode as background.

Unfortunately, DMM is not compatible with singleplex datasets. Calling binding sites in singleplex datasets requires an 'external control' (see details below). Without an external control, the process will stop at the read counting stage. The best external control according to Mudskipper benchmark is an eCLIP SMInput.

The backgrounds can be applied to other peak callers such as Skipper, CLIPper, and the Beta-Binomial Mixture model.

If you want to include a background library, here's how to do it:

"Internal control: A barcode that measures background signal, present in the same FASTQ file.

  • AS_INPUT: If you have an IgG antibody/spike-in/bead-only control in the multiplex experiment that will serve as the normalization reference, enter its name here. It must be one of the rows in the barcode_csv file.

"External control": a library that is NOT in the same fastq as your oligoCLIP/ABC to serve as the background.

  • specify them in external_bam with name of the library (first line, ex eCLIP_SLBP_SMInput), followed by file: and INFORMATIVE_READ
    # For example:
        file: /tscc/nfs/home/hsher/ps-yeolab5/ENCODE_k562_noalt/output/bams/dedup/genome_R2/SLBP_IN_1.genome.Aligned.sort.dedup.R2.bam
  • This can be an eCLIP SMInput, total RNA-seq, IgG pull down from another experiment, bead control, spike-ins
  • How to generate them? the bams must be processed with the exact same STAR index as STAR_DIR, and is recommended to be processed with the same/similar mapping parameters as this repo or skipper.

Preprocessing Options:

  • adaptor_fwd,adaptor_rev: adapter sequence to trim. Do not include barcode
  • tile_length: we tile adapter sequences of this length so that indels don't mess up with trimming
  • QUALITY_CUTOFF: default 15. cutadapt params
  • umi_length: Length of unique molecular identifier (UMI).
  • STAR_DIR: directory to STAR index

Annotation Options:

  • skipper annotations: follow skipper instructions or generate with skipper_utils
    • Yeolab internal users: Brian had all sorts of annotations here /tscc/projects/ps-yeolab4/software/skipper/1.0.0/bin/skipper/annotations/.

Output files

Trimmed fastqs, bams, bigwigs:

These are in the EXPERIMENT_NAME folders. For example, in your manifest.csv, there are two experiments, "GN_1019" and "GN_1020", then, under the GN_1019/ folder you would see the following:

  1. fastqs: The trimmed and the demultiplexed fastqs.
    • all.Tr.fq* is the adapter and UMI removed ones
    • ultraplex*RBP.fastq.gz are the demultiplexed.
  2. bams: bam files.
    • *rmDup.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam is the PCR deduplicated bams. This is usually the bam you would want to use for other analysis!
    • *Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam is before deduplication.
  3. bw contains bigwig files!
    • CITS calculates the number of 5' read stops per nucleotide position. 5' read stop is presumed to be the crosslinking site.
    • COV calculates read coverage.
  4. bw_bg contains bigwigs of "complementary control(CC)", namely, summing all the other RBPs together.

QC: Quality control files.

These contain numbers that will help you debug your protocol. To look at them swiftly, I personally like to install VS code, and install some csv editing extension so the file can appear like a table. Everything is compiled into QC/summary.csv.

  1. cutadapt_stat.csv contains how many times reads contain adapter, and how many reads are too short after adapter trimming.
    • One of my favorite column is "Reads/Pairs that were too short". When reads are too short after trimming, it means they are probably adapter dimer, or you fragment it too much.
  2. fastQC* are the summary from fastqs that has been trimmed.
    • CLIP reads are usually bad at GC content. So it is normal to see failed GC.
    • I will always look at "adapter content" in fastQC_passfail.csv to make sure adapters are all gone. If this column fails, maybe you input the wrong adapter sequence, or gets contaminated by some other stuffs.
  3. Read count after demultiplexing. demux_read_count.txt.
  4. Duplication: dup_level.csv. This file contains the number of reads after and before PCR deduplication. If the column "unique reads" is very low, you might have amplified too much!
  5. Mapping statistics mapping_stat.csv.
    • "Unique mapped reads%" are the percentage of reads that map to only 1 position in the genome. These were called "Usable reads" in the old eCLIP terminology.
    • "% of reads mapped to multiple loci" are the reads that map to 2~100 positions. These are mostly ribosomal RNAs. It is normal to see quite some (30-50%) multimapping reads in eCLIP
    • Then it is the reason why the rest are unmapped:
      • "% of reads mapped to multiple loci", "% of reads unmapped: too short", and "other reasons". These will help your bioinformatician debug what is going wrong. Common reasons to have lots of unmapped reads:
        • Adapter trimming is bad. The read still contains adapter sequences when they enter mapping algorithms.
        • Cells is contaminated. The baterial/fungal genomes gets sequences and does not map to human genome.
  6. Read level metrices in read_count/ folder:
    • *cosine_similarity.csv: Here we construct a vector, contains read counts per genomic bin for each RBP. Cosine similarity measure globally how two RBP are similar with each other. If you see big numbers, it means the two RBPs are very similar. In the Antibody barcoded CLIP paper we published, the cosine similarity is typically between 0.4~0.7. If all of the RBPs are similar, it can indicate loss of specificity.
    • *gene_name.csv: This contains how many read per gene for each RBP.
    • *gene_type.csv: contains how many read per gene/transcript type for each RBP.
    • *region.csv: This contains how many read per region for each RBP.
    • All of the above can help you see if there is the right enrichment and specificity for your multiplex CLIP.

Peaks, Binding Sites

This pipeline tries to integrate multiple peak callers/binding site finders and orchestrate secondary analysis (peaks per region, motifs etc).

Mudskipper: Mixture Modelling in beta-mixture_* and DMM.

  • beta-mixture* considers enrichment of RBP reads against complementary control (CC) or an internal library(IgG)! It is not great at detecting shared binding sites. But it runs fast.
    • For biologist, all that matters is *enriched_windows.tsv. This contains the presumed binding sites.
      • column logLR measures confidence. The number represents the log likelihood ratio(LR) of a window being a binding site versus not, aka, how likely is it to observe the data if it is bound, versus it being not bound. A logLR of 2 means about 10x more likely to observe the data from binding than being something sh**ty. Higher means high confidence of it being a binding site
      • p_bar,p_raw, fc_raw, fc_bar: Effect sizes
        • *_bar is the estimate from the model.
        • *_raw is directly calculated from counts:
        • p= (read in RBP)/(read in window)
        • fc = ((read in RBP)/(read in window))/((all reads in RBP)/total reads)
    • Secondary analysis:
      • feature_logistic.pdf and feature_ridge.pdf contains how likely each types of regions is bound.
      • *summary.csv: What gene types/transcript types/region types are bound.
      • homer/ folder contains motifs
      • finemapping contains finemapped binding sites. It isn't great for splice site binding proteins. TODO: make algorithm better,
    • Modelling outputs:
      • fit.rda contains everything including models of various numbers of components(K).
      • *alpha.tsv contains the parameter alpha/beta for beta-binomial distribution for each component.
      • *null_alpha.tsv contains the parameter alpha/beta for a single component beta-binomial distribution.
      • *goodness_of_fit.pdf: AIC, BIC, log likelihood for model selection.
      • *label_component.csv: The labels (bound vs not bound) for each component.
      • *mixture_weight.tsv: This is namely badly. What is contains is $E[z_ik]$ which is "how likely each window belong to a cluster".
      • *weights: The "mixture weight".
  • DMM(Dirichlet Multinomial Mixture) considers the distribution of reads among all RBPs without summing the rest into CC. This model detects shared binding site better than beta-mixture model. But it is so f* slow. (but still faster than CLIPper. ^.<)
    • The folder structure is the same.
    • Biologists would only care for *enriched_windows.tsv which are the binding sites.

Skipper: in skipper*

  • skipper_CC models RBP versus complementary control.
  • skipper_{INTERNAL_CONTROL_NAME} models RBP versus an internal control library, e.g. IgG.
  • skipper_external/{EXTERNAL_CONTROL_NAME} models RBP versus an external control library, e.g. RNA-seq or SMInput.
  • For skipper outputs, see skipper's documentation!

CLIPper: in CLIPper*

  • CLIPper only uses the IP to find local read enrichment.
  • CLIPper_CC contains local read enrichment, "normalized to" complementary control using chi-square or fisher exact test. This is what we publised in the original paper.
  • CLIPper-{EXTERNAL_CONTROL_NAME}: contains peaks "normalized to" an external control library. (SMInput or total RNA-seq)
  • CLIPper.{INTERNAL_CONTROL_NAME}: contains peaks "normalized to" an internal control library. (IgG)
  • *normed.compressed.annotate.bed is the final output. See the ENCODE pipeline for columns specification

Comparison: comparison/ Only if you want to run Piranha, OmniCLIP and PureCLIP.

  • See their respective documentation for detail.

For developers:

The meat of the pipeline is in rules/:

  • se_preprocess and pe_preprocess takes fastq --> trim -> demultiplex -> deduplicate -> bams
  • QC contains rules to assemble quality control statistics, and some additional debugging rules such as investigating unmapped reads and those without barcode.
  • rules for bigwig generation is in make_track.smk
  • merge_bw.smk sums up bigwigs to make complementary control.
  • normalization_DMN, repeat_DMN contains Mudskipper code, which does mixture model/generative clustering in genomic windows and repeat windows.
  • skipper.smk, repeat.smk is entirely stolen from skipper
  • clipper.smk runs CLIPper and the chi-square things. Stolen from ENCODE pipeline.
  • analysis.smk and finemap.smk: runs finemapping, motif detection from Skipper and MudSkipper

Some rules to help you debug

  • map_r1.smk and multimap.smk