Updated | Created | Links | tags | |
2023-12-10 03:15:37 -0800 |
2023-12-09 13:27:54 -0800 |
[[🏡My Home]] |
This is my second brain. In my brain, I use PARA and Digital Garden(example like my garden )Method to build it. If you want to learn more about personal knowledge management method, you can read my article 《How to Build a Personal Knowledge Management System》in my blog.
These obsidian plugins used in the brain are follow, including,
- Metadata Menu: to manage the metadata in my notes.
- Templater: create my notes, project, kanban and etc use templates.
- QuickAdd: quickly add new notes to my second brain.
- Calendar: create my daily notes.
- Periodic Notes: create my daily, weekly, monthly and yearly notes.
- Buttons: create Buttons in my notes.
- Linter: formats, styles my notes, and autoupdate the last modified time of my notes.
- Kanban: display my tasks.
- Dataview: advanced queries over my vault for the data-obsessed.
- Tasks: task management for my project or daily work.
- Digital Garden: to publish my notes to the web.
Some optional plugins:
- Commander: customize your workspace by adding commands everywhere, create macros and supercharge your mobile toolbar.
- Workspaces Plus: save the workspace layout.
- Paste URL into selection: paste url into selection 'text'.
- Please learn more informations from [[How to use]].