Coroutine library based on N:M under Linux x86_64
Use non-preemptive scheduling Hooked commonly used network IO system calls based on epoll for event triggering and context switching.
Context switching is a compilation of hand rubs Use assembly to save the register state of the current coroutine
It is a symmetric coroutine library. The coroutine stack is private to the coroutine.
Single Epoll instance Each physical thread maintains a ready task queue When the physical thread's private ready queue is empty, ready tasks from other threads can be stolen.
Timeout events use a single-level time wheel, with 1ms as the minimum timeout unit, and the maximum timeout time is defined through common.h
基于Linux x86_64 下的 N:M 的协程库
使用非抢占式调度 Hook了常用的 网络IO系统调用 基于epoll 进行事件触发,上下文切换
上下文切换是手搓的汇编 用汇编保存当前协程的寄存器状态
是对称协程库 协程栈为协程私有
单Epoll实例 每个物理线程维护一个就绪任务队列 当物理线程私有就绪队列为空时 可以窃取其他线程的就绪任务
超时事件采用单级时间轮, 以1ms为最小超时时间单位 ,最长超时时间通过common.h