- threejs.org + https://threejs.org/examples/raytracing_sandbox.html
- THREE.js-PathTracing-Renderer: https://github.com/erichlof/THREE.js-PathTracing-Renderer
- WebGL Raytracing: http://webraytracer.alexandra.dk/
- Realtime GLSL Pathtracing: https://geometrian.com/programming/webgl-pt/ - https://github.com/nikolaiartemiev/webgl-pathtracer/blob/master/render.png
- FSPT: https://github.com/apbodnar/FSPT
- retrace.gl: https://github.com/stasilo/retrace.gl
- OK threejs.org + https://threejs.org/examples/raytracing_sandbox.html
- KO THREE.js-PathTracing-Renderer
- KO WebGL Raytracing
- KO Realtime GLSL Pathtracing
- KO retrace.gl
- remote debug on android & ios: http://people.apache.org/~pmuellr/weinre/docs/latest/Home.html
NOTICE: The Blender exporter for the Three.js JSON format has been removed, to focus on better support for other workflows. For recommended alternatives, see Loading 3D Models. The Three.js Object/Scene JSON format is still fully supported for use with Object3D.toJSON, the Editor, THREE.ObjectLoader and converters.
found here: https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/tree/master/utils/exporters/blender
therefore, going to: https://threejs.org/docs/#manual/en/introduction/Loading-3D-models
- https://www.electronicarmory.com/articles/exporting-blender-models-to-threejs-webgl/
- https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Blender-IO
- https://gltf-viewer.donmccurdy.com (to see the exported glTF)
out-of-the-box results:
- OK: meshes, camera (to be fixed), point lights, animations (to be fixed), textures
- NOT SURE: spot lights should be exported, but can not see where they are in gltf-viewer... -> investigate the loaded scene programmatically
- KO: directional lights, materials
super cool because it is a real raytracer, work could be achieved by generating all meshes for each objects in blender, exported in collada
BUT stucked by the limitation of memory due to compilation of the code using webassembly in bundle.js > flag ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH should be set to 1
contact: [email protected], could be solved by contacting him, but no garantee
profile on researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Thomas_Kjeldsen
test with the collada elf model provided with threejs on an i7 @ 3.4ghz
- mesh: ~8k vertices & 14k faces
- at 50% of the rendering, each tile takes +1200 seconds (~20 minutes!) to render at 18 x 15 (270) tiles
the only solution available on mobile is not even usable on high-end laptops :)
Frames to be rendered on the client side are distributed through a webserver. For insctructions read web/README.md