In this project, the Frank-Wolf algorithm was implemented in Python to solve the traffic assignment problem for the Anaheim network.
- The link performance function for each link is given by the BPR link performance function
$t_a=t_{a}^{0}\left [ 1+\alpha \left ( x_a/c_{a}^{'}\right )^\beta \right ],\alpha =0.15,\beta =4,c_{a}^{'}=0.9c_a$ where [t_{a0}, c_a] are given in the Anaheim.xls file. - The Anaheim network contains 19 origins, 19 destinations (361 O-D pairs), 914 links, and 416 nodes.
- The topology of the network is given in file anaheim.xlsx.
- This spreadsheet also contains the travel cost (calculated by free flow speed and the link length) and capacity information of each link.
- The OD trip table is given in fort2.txt along with a spreadsheet file which explains its format (this is a forward-star representation of the OD information).
Algorithms of label-correcting, golden-section, and frank-wolfe are included in this project.