using a raspberry pi as a google voice assistant
- Raspberry pi
- Adafruit I2S MEMS Microphone Breakout - SPH0645LM4H * 2
- Adafruit I2S 3W Class D Amplifier Breakout - MAX98357A
- Adafruit Perma-Proto HAT for Pi Mini Kit - With EEPROM
- Copper wire
- Soldering iron
- clone the project onto the pi
git clone
- turn on I2 support in config.txt with
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
remove the hashtag infront of
then add
save and exit then reboot
- Check for the hats folder
cd /proc/device-tree/
4.Open a new terminal and change directory to eepromutils
cd /home/pi/custom-voice-hat/eepromutils
5.Make the EEPROM flasher executable and Flash the EEPROM with the eeprom file
sudo chmod +x ./
sudo ./ -w -f=voicehat.eep -t=24c32
6.Update Raspberry Pi kernels
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install raspberrypi-kernel
Check if your Hat is recognized
cd /proc/device-tree/
A new folder called HAT should appear if it has
- move you pi into the audio recognition scripts
cd /home/pi/custom-voice-hat/audio-config/scripts/
- make the scripts executable
sudo chmod +x ./
sudo chmod +x ./
- Run the scripts
sudo ./
sudo ./
Reboot the pi.
- Test the microphone by downloading Audacity or a similar voice recording software
- Open the Actions Console
- Click on Add/import project
- Create a new project by clicking the create project box
- After creating a new project find the device registration tab near the bottom of the sidebar. Leave page open and open a new page
- Enable Google Assistant api by searching up google assistant clicking on the item and clicking enable.
- Click credentials on the side bar and go to OAuth consent screen. Enter your email adress and save the page. 7.set activity controls for you account to ensure the google assistant works properly. Enable:
- Web and activity
- Device information
- Voice and audio activity
- Go back to the device registration tab open before
- Fill out all fields for your device and click register model
- Download the OAuth2.0 Credentials and transfer the Json file onto the raspberry pi
scp ~/Downloads/client_secret_client-id.json pi@raspberry-pi-ip-address:/home/pi/
- Skip the specific traits page copy down model id as it will be used later 12.Use a virtual environment to isolate the SDK
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-dev python-virtualenv
virtualenv env --no-site-packages
env/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
source env/bin/activate
- Download the package
sudo apt-get install portaudio19-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev
- Use pip to install the latest version of the Google Assitant library python package in the virtual environment
python -m pip install --upgrade google-assistant-sdk[samples]
15.Install or update the authorization tool
python -m pip install --upgrade google-auth-oauthlib[tool]
- Generate the credentials needed to run the sample codes and tools
google-oauthlib-tool --scope \
--save --headless --client-secrets /path/to/client_secret_client-id.json
- Click on the URL shown and log in with same Gmail account as the one used for previous steps
- Enter the code shown after logining in with Gmail into the terminal
- Run the sample code
googlesamples-assistant-pushtotalk --project-id my-dev-project --device-model-id my-model
replace my-dev-project with the project id found in the Actions console select the project created previously, select the gear icon and select project settings
replace my-model with the model id from the previous step
Your Google Assistant should now be working
Solder all of the Ada fruit parts onto the Adafruit perma-proto hat according to the circuit diagram and picture provided.