CFD post procedures.
Frequently used CFD post procedures.
post_foil_cfl3d(path, j0, j1, nHi=40, fname='feature2d.txt')
Read in CFL3D foil result and extract flow features.
path: folder that contains the output files
j0: j index of the lower surface TE
j1: j index of the upper surface TE
nHi: maximum number of mesh points in k direction for boundary layer
fname: output file name. If None, then no output
tecplot: if True, then convert cfl3d.prt to surface.dat
Single C-block cfl3d.prt index
i : 1 - 1 symmetry plane
j : 1 - nj far field of lower surface TE to far field of upper surface TE
k : 1 - nk surface to far field
feature_xfoil(cst_u, cst_l, t, Minf, Re, AoA, n_crit=0.1, fname='feature-xfoil.txt')
Evaluate by xfoil and extract features.
cst-u, cst-l: list of upper/lower CST coefficients of the airfoil.
t: airfoil thickness or None
Minf: free stream Mach number for wall Mach number calculation
Re, AoA (deg): flight condition (s), float or list, for Xfoil
n_crit: critical amplification ratio for transition in xfoil
fname: output file name. If None, then no output
cst_modeling pip install cst-modeling3d
xfoil pip install xfoil
Re: Reynolds number in case the simulation is for a viscous flow.
In case not informed, the code will assume inviscid.
Minf: Mach number in case the simulation has to take in account compressibility
effects through the Prandtl-Glauert correlation. If not informed,
the code will not use the correction. For logical reasons, if Mach
is informed, a Reynolds number different from zero must also be informed.
Evaluate by TSFOIL2 and extract features.
cst-u, cst-l: list of upper/lower CST coefficients of the airfoil
t: airfoil thickness or None
Minf, Re, AoA (deg): flight condition (s), float or list
fname: output file name. If None, then no output
cst_modeling pip install cst-modeling3d
pyTSFoil pip install pyTSFoil
Read in CFD results.
Read in CFL3D results.
Extract 2D flow features.
Extract flow features of airfoils or wing sections.
Extract features from Xfoil (low speed) results.
Extract features from pyTSFoil (transonic speed) results.