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nexus Graphql server boilerplate


  • nexus
  • prisma2
  • apollo-server
  • apollo-client (with create-react-app)

Get started

  • setup mysql and create database
  • setup env file
    • copy .env.sample to .env
    • configuration .env file
  • export env file variables
    $ set -a && source .env && set +a 
  • yarn install
    $ yarn
  • migration database
    $ yarn prisma migrate up --experimental
  • generate ORM, graphql schema codes
    $ yarn generate
  • launch graphql server and front-end dev server
    $ yarn dev
  • prisma sql playground
    $ yarn prisma-playground
    yarn run v1.22.4
    $ ts-node -P tsconfig-graphql-server.json -O '{ "isolatedModules": false }'
    > import { prisma } from './src/graphql-server/prisma_client'
    > prisma.test_table.findMany().then(data => console.log(data))
    Promise { <pending> }
    > SQL(11ms) SELECT `db`.`test_table`.`id`, `db`.`test_table`.`name` FROM `db`.`test_table` WHERE 1=1