In this project, I build a wheeled robot and programmed it to navigate autonomously through a series of tasks, using Arduino, motors, encoders and distance sensors.
Take a look at my portfolio post for more information about the project.
- Navigating through a maze
- Driving through changing-slope way, keeping constant roll
- Following curved wall, keeping constant distance
- Driving on slope with changing gradient, keeping constant speed
- Locating and reaching the finish line flag
I used several components to control the robot motion:
- Arduino
- Motors & encoders:
- PMW motor and encoder - One on each rear wheel to activate and control the motion
- Servo motor - Located on the front of the vehicle and used to rotate the TOF sensor to desired scanning angle
- Motor driver (SparkFun Ardumoto 50829)
- Sensors
- IR sensor - One on each side of the vehicle to measure side distance
- Time of Flight sensor (Adafruit VL53L0X) - Assembled on the servo motor to scan the surrounding space
- US (ultrasonik) sensor - Located on the top of the vehicle to measure distance from objects above the vehicle
- IMU (MPU-9250) - 9-axis (gyro, accelerometer, compass) MEMS motion tracking device
- Led matrix - Indicates mission number and mission success/fail
The system components:
Arduino pin usage:
The autonomous vehicle: