Minesweeper This game is based on the minesweeper game that was found on each microsoft windows program. My mine sweeper uses colors instead of numbers and has four different levels. In addition to easy, medium, hard my game features a random board (which I am still working out some issues). I also added a feature that the player must insert their name in order for the game to start, and they are then greeted by name by the game. I used css to design the landing page and made the circles expand as the arrow hovers over them. The basic code was written in html and JQuery. In addition, using media queries, the game is compatible with handheld devices as well as desktops.
Problems That Arose/Accomplishments
How to keep the game random while following the existing rules of the game. How to set up the game that player must enter name to start. How to design the game in a desirable way.
Link to game https://git.generalassemb.ly/pages/YaakovDavid/minesweeper-project-1/