JavaScript library for writing DXF files. The library provides a low-level interface, so basic understanding of the DXF format is not required but can be helpful. The verion of generated DXF files is AC1021 (AutoCAD R2007), so Unicode (UTF-8) is supported
The class provides the following oprations
- addHeaderVariables
- addLayer
- addLineType
- addStyle
- addBlock
- addEntity/addEntities
- extents - the shorthand to define drawing extents in the header
- limits - the shorthand to define drawing limits in the header
- dxf - returns dxf file content as a string
const { DxfDocument } = require('dxf-doc');
const { Line, Circle, LwPolyline, Text, Hatch, Ellipse, Arc } = require('dxf-doc/entities');
const { HatchPattern, PolylineBoundaryPath } = require('dxf-doc/entities/hatch');
const fs = require('fs');
// Load patterns from the acad.pat file
const patternLines = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/acad.pat')
const patterns = HatchPattern.parse(patternLines);
const pts = [[150, 10], [160, 60], [190, 70], [190, 10]];
const dxf = new DxfDocument();
dxf.extents([0, 0], [250, 100]);
dxf.limits([0, 0], [250, 100]);
// Add entities
new Line(dxf, 10, 10, 70, 70),
new Circle(dxf, 110, 40, 30),
new LwPolyline(dxf, pts, true),
new Hatch(dxf, [
new PolylineBoundaryPath(pts)
], patterns[0]),
new Text(dxf, 'Hello World!', 5, [200, 50]),
new Ellipse(dxf, 280, 40, 30, 10, 0.5),
new Arc(dxf, 360, 40, 30, 0, 270)
// Save to file
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/example.dxf', dxf.dxf());
- Yuri Spektor