Running Sorting Algorithms in Parallel using MPI inside Docker Container
By Yasir Hussain
This project demonstrates the difference between a sequential and parallel execution of a program
and How much it makes a difference. We have compared both MPI and Serial implementation
of the following three algorithms:
- Merge Sort
- Bubble Sort
- NxN Matrix Multiplication.
In this project we executed MPI program in Docker environment. Docker allows us to to deploy,
distribute applications with all its dependencies independent of local hardware.
We can pull images of such containers from Docker Hub website.
1) Software Used for Virtualization : VMware Player
2) Operating System used : Ubuntu
3) Docker Image used : Alpine Linux ( cuz its minimal and lightweight )
Merge Sort is the best example and demonstration of how MPI works. How master and slave process distribute work and communicate. We divide list into sublists. Each slave process works on the sublists, in the end master process gathers the results and merge them.
Bubble Sort is famous for having the worse time complexity and the amount of iterations it takes for large input set of size N it takes N-1 iterations. We wanted to test if MPI implementation would make any difference or not.
2D Matrix Multiplication is crucial in solving many real life problems specially related to computer science field such as networks, solving linear equations, population modeling and much more. GPU solves all complex mathematical equations in form of matrices.
- Initialized Docker Image and Used Alpine Linux terminal having access to files in local folder.
--> At Input Size = 100000
--> At Input Size = 100000
--> At Input Size = 100000
--> At Input Size = 100000
--> At N = 8 , 8 x 8 = 64
- NOTE : --> At Input > 10 it was giving an error , was unable to show calculated time.
--> At N = 800 , NxN = 800 x 800 = 640000
Sometimes sequential algorithm performs better because of small input data set.
In such case using MPI causes overhead and loses its purpose.
In situations where MPI is ideal to use then sequential algorithms
don’t even come close to the performance of MPI.