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TCML : Temporal Convolution based Meta Learner

Yongrae Jo edited this page Jan 18, 2018 · 1 revision

Temporal Convolution based Meta Learner


  • 데이터가 적을 때
  • 문제가 조금씩 바뀔 때
  • 학습할 수 있어야 한다!

접근 방식

  • meta learning
    • broaden the learner's scope to a distribution of related tasks
    • learn a strategy that generalizes
    • the goal of meta-learning is generalization across tasks rather than across data points.
  • meta-learner
    • trained on a distribution of similar tasks

지금까지의 방법들

  • hard-coding이 많았음
  • RNN으로 해본 사람
    • A number of methods consider a meta-learner that makes updates to the parameters of a traditional learner Ravi and Larochelle [20] extended this idea, using a similar LSTM meta-learner in a few-shot classification. setting, where the traditional learner was a convolutional-network-based classifier.
    • 잘 안됨 (성능 낮음)


  • traditional RNN architectures can only propagate information forward through time via their hidden state; this temporally-linear dependency bottlenecks their capacity to perform sophistication computation on a stream of inputs.
  • Graves et al. [8] showed that these architectures have difficulties simply storing and retrieving information, let alone performing computation with it
  • Compared to traditional RNNs, the convolutional structure offers more direct, high-bandwidth access to past information, allowing them to perform more sophisticated computation on a fixed temporal segment.

Network Architecture



Few-show learning

we wish to classify data points into N classes, when we only have a small number (K) of labeled examples per class. A meta-learner is readily applicable, because it learns how to compare input points, rather than memorize a specific mapping from points to classes. Architecture for Few-shot learning


Omniglot : 알파벳 맞추기 omniglot

fewshot result



Multi-Armed Bandit 문제

at each timestep, an agent selects one of K arms, and receives a reward according to some unknown distribution. The agent’s goal is to maximize its total reward over an episode of duration N . To perform well in this setting, a meta-learner must learn to balance both exploration and exploitation. exploration-exploitation tradeoff is one of the core algorithmic nuances that distinguishes reinforcement learning from supervised learning

multi-armed bandit

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