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Add issue_token attribute to IpuDmaMemcpyNdOp (#1209) #2517

Add issue_token attribute to IpuDmaMemcpyNdOp (#1209)

Add issue_token attribute to IpuDmaMemcpyNdOp (#1209) #2517

name: Build and Test with AIE tools on Ryzen AI
- main
- test-ryzen-ai
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab by
# selecting CI and then "Run workflow" menu on the right branch
# and clicking on "launch_tmate_terminal_for_debug".
# Unfortunately this works only for the default branch.
# So you can either
# - change the default branch of the PR on the GitHub repository owning the PR
# and launching in Actions tab;
# - or edit directly the step below which runs tmate and push to the
# PR, ignoring the manual workflow launch.
type: boolean
description: 'Run the build with tmate debugging enabled ('
required: false
default: false
shell: bash
# A PR number if a pull request and otherwise the commit hash. This cancels
# queued and in-progress runs for the same PR (presubmit) or commit
# (postsubmit).
group: ci-build-test-ryzenai-${{ github.event.number || github.sha }}
cancel-in-progress: true
DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive
XILINXD_LICENSE_FILE: /opt/xilinx/Xilinx.lic
name: Build and Test with AIE tools on Ryzen AI
runs-on: amd7940hs
- name: Display environment variables
run: env
- name: User and group ids
run: id -a
- name: Execution context information
# Display a lot of information to help further development
# The problem is that echo-ing directly "${{ toJSON(github) }}"
# in the shell is not escaped and for example '&' breaks
# things or can lead to server-side script injection. :-(
# So, use environment setting and display the environment
# variable in the shell between "" to avoid unsafe
# interpretation.
execution_context_var_github: ${{ toJSON(github) }}
execution_context_var_env: ${{ toJSON(env) }}
execution_context_var_vars: ${{ toJSON(vars) }}
execution_context_var_job: ${{ toJSON(job) }}
execution_context_var_steps: ${{ toJSON(steps) }}
execution_context_var_runner: ${{ toJSON(runner) }}
execution_context_var_strategy: ${{ toJSON(strategy) }}
execution_context_var_matrix: ${{ toJSON(matrix) }}
execution_context_var_needs: ${{ toJSON(needs) }}
execution_context_var_inputs: ${{ toJSON(inputs) }}
run: |
echo "::group::github context"
echo "$execution_context_var_github"
echo "::endgroup::"
echo "::group::env context"
echo "$execution_context_var_env"
echo "::endgroup::"
echo "::group::vars context"
echo "$execution_context_var_vars"
echo "::endgroup::"
echo "::group::job context"
echo "$execution_context_var_job"
echo "::endgroup::"
echo "::group::steps context"
echo "$execution_context_var_steps"
echo "::endgroup::"
echo "::group::runner context"
echo "$execution_context_var_runner"
echo "::endgroup::"
echo "::group::strategy context"
echo "$execution_context_var_strategy"
echo "::endgroup::"
echo "::group::matrix context"
echo "$execution_context_var_matrix"
echo "::endgroup::"
echo "::group::needs context"
echo "$execution_context_var_needs"
echo "::endgroup::"
echo "::group::inputs context"
echo "$execution_context_var_inputs"
echo "::endgroup::"
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
submodules: "true"
# Launch an ssh session via a proxy server if there is a need
# for debug. This seems to live for 35 min max
- name: Setup tmate session
uses: mxschmitt/action-tmate@v3
# To run this, launch it manually on the default branch and
# click on "launch_tmate_terminal_for_debug"
if: github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch'
&& inputs.launch_tmate_terminal_for_debug
- name: Run commands
run: |
pip cache purge
python -m venv aie-venv
source aie-venv/bin/activate
pip install -r python/requirements.txt
pip install jupyter
sed -i.bak 's/OUTPUT_TIMEOUT = 10/OUTPUT_TIMEOUT = 100/g' \
$(python -c 'import site; print(site.getsitepackages()[0])')/jupyter_client/
VERSION=$(utils/ --get-wheel-version)
pip -q download mlir==$VERSION \
unzip -q mlir-*.whl
# I have no clue why but the system clock on GHA containers is like 12 hours ahead.
# That means wheels have file with time stamps in the future which makes ninja loop
# forever when configuring. Set the time to some arbitrary stamp in the past just to be safe.
find mlir -exec touch -a -m -t 201108231405.14 {} \;
mkdir build
pushd build
export PATH=/opt/Xilinx/Vitis/2023.2/bin:/opt/Xilinx/Vitis/2023.2/aietools/bin:$PATH
cmake .. -G Ninja \
-DPython3_EXECUTABLE=$(which python) \
-DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=$PWD/../cmake/modulesXilinx \
-DLLVM_EXTERNAL_LIT=$(which lit) \
-DMLIR_DIR=$PWD/../mlir/lib/cmake/mlir \
-DXRT_ROOT=/opt/xilinx/xrt \
ninja install
# hack: timed out tests aren't fails...
LIT_PATH=$(python -c "import lit; from pathlib import Path; print(Path(lit.__file__).parent)")
sed -i.bak 's/TIMEOUT = ResultCode("TIMEOUT", "Timed Out", True)/TIMEOUT = ResultCode("TIMEOUT", "Timed Out", False)/g' $LIT_PATH/
export LIT_OPTS="-sv --time-tests --timeout 600 -j12 --show-unsupported --show-excluded"
ninja check-aie
ninja check-reference-designs