Domination 4.65
- Added: Admin may end the maintarget (Admin UI), by longtimegamer
- Added: "Always" to d_with_autorevive (value is 2, "With auto revive if no player is nearby (less than 215m)"), by longtimegamer
- Added: Semi-randomize the sniper spawn positions, by longtimegamer
- Added: Create combat UAV at MHQ if d_extra_cas is enabled one per team, if d_arty_unlimited == 1 then one per player, cost of 30 points if ranked (loiters main target), by longtimegamer
- Added: Support for several new Opfor enemy factions from mods - Community Factions Project (CFP) and Asian Factions for CUP (AFCUP) - Taliban, East Asian Insurgents, Islamic State, Central African Insurgents, Sudanese Armed Forces, by longtimegamer
- Added: "High" enemy armor setting for maintarget, by longtimegamer
- Added: Additional no-HUD support, by longtimegamer
- Added: Civilians and civilian vehicle type server settings (2035 units or with mods), by longtimegamer
- Added: Suppress ambient battlefield sounds in server settings, by longtimegamer
- Added: Throwing grenades at the base flag removes them to stop idi*ts
- Added: New param d_sm_mt_protection ("Side mission/main target protection from friendly CAS missiles and bombs" in server lobby). Deletes either friendly CAS missiles/bombs over side mission or main target or both, default 0, Off
- Changed: d_cas_plane_ai and d_sm_speedboat can now also be an array of class names
- Fixed: When a server restart happened players could lose all their points (hopefully fixed)
- Fixed: AI awareness behavior suddenly stopped when radiotower destroyed and d_mt_spotted is set to false, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Invalid setIdentity on walking civilians, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Dying in a vehicle could make inf viewdistance the same as vehicle view distance (yet again, hopefully fixed)
- Fixed: UAV viewdistance was reduced being near the main target or base
- Fixed: DB Top players list only showed the first entry after a while
- Fixed: Saved vehicles (DB) exploded when spawned after DB read (hopefully fixed)
- Fixed: User placed markers at main targets were not removed once a main has been seized
- Fixed: Cleanup misplaced civilian units, better civ spawn positions in buildings, by longtimegamer
- Fixed: Increased action radius for gas leak missions hopefully fixing the action not showing up problem in some cases
- Fixed: Change pylons didn't work on the carrier (action didn't show up)
- Fixed: Saving player stats to missionProfileNamespace should really work now
- Fixed: When d_respawnatsql was set to 2 squad leader were able to respawn at themself
- and like always make use of new script commands and other optimizations