npm install
npm run build
You need an Open api version 3 specification and a HAR file. Compile the program then run as follows:
node dist/index.js scenarios/har/2/openapi.yaml scenarios/har/2/http.json
With api coverage
node dist/index.js -c scenarios/har/2/openapi.yaml scenarios/har/2/http.json
Verbose logging of results
node dist/index.js -v scenarios/har/2/openapi.yaml scenarios/har/2/http.json
If there are any found errors they will be printed to stderr and the program will exit with error code 1.
To record requests and responses to a HAR file, you can use the google/martian proxy.
# Start your server
# Start the proxy with HAR logging enabled
$GOPATH/bin/proxy -har &
# Make requests to your endpoints through the proxy, this could for example be
# done in a test suite.
# Here we assume that the server is running on localhost:8000 with one endpoint,
# `/ping`
export http_proxy=localhost:8080
curl localhost:8000/ping
# Save the HAR log to a file
curl http://martian.proxy/logs > http.json
This project can be built and run as docker container
docker buildx build -t test .
docker run -t -v $PWD:/foobar test -c foobar/scenarios/har/2/openapi.yaml foobar/scenarios/har/2/http.har