- one-hot
y_train = keras.utils.np_utils.to_categorical(y_train, 10)
#>First, add after your Keras code model.fit(...) and train your model:
from keras import backend as K
import tensorflow as tf
saver = tf.train.Saver()
saver.save(K.get_session(), '/tmp/keras_model.ckpt')
Then cd to your TensorFlow root directory, run:
python freeze_graph.py --input_meta_graph=./tmp/model0.ckpt.meta --input_checkpoint=./tmp/model0.ckpt --output_graph=./tmp/model0.pb --output_node_names="act_6/truediv" --input_binary=true
- 指定GPU
import os
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "2"
- 混合精度训练
opt = Adam()
opt = tf.train.experimental.enable_mixed_precision_graph_rewrite(opt)
# 要把所有模型定义用到的keras全换成tf.keras
# GeForce GTX系列貌似不支持混合精度
- 剪枝
- 计算class_weights
neg = 123099
pos = 222467
total = neg+pos
# Scaling by total/2 helps keep the loss to a similar magnitude.
# The sum of the weights of all examples stays the same.
weight_for_0 = (1 / neg)*(total)/2.0
weight_for_1 = (1 / pos)*(total)/2.0
class_weight = {0: weight_for_0, 1: weight_for_1}
print('Weight for class 0: {:.2f}'.format(weight_for_0))
print('Weight for class 1: {:.2f}'.format(weight_for_1))
- h5模型转tflite | 测试tflite模型结果 | 有自定义层或函数 | h5转pb | h5转ckpt | h5转onnx
- Keras Example
- 读取本地mnist数据集_CNN
- RNN分类示例 | Keras实现LSTM | LSTM文本生成
- GAN实现mnist图片生成
- 读取本地cifar10数据集_CNN
- 数据增强
- 迭代器读取数据
- 分类baseline | 预训练模型使用 | 预训练模型库 | 冻结层
- cnn热力图可视化
- 带自定义激活函数的h5模型转tflite(比如mobilenetv3的relu6 hard_swish)
- 训练模型清洗数据(半监督、主动学习)
- 可视化检查自带的数据增强效果
- 多输出模型设置class_weight
- 用于分类任务的focal loss
- 用于多标签分类的f值metric
- Classification models Zoo
- EfficientNet
- mobilenet_v2预训练模型
- Center loss
#我改写的partial center loss ,针对于背景类不使用centerloss l2_loss = Lambda(lambda x: K.prod(K.concatenate([K.sum(K.square(x[0]-x[1][:,0]),axis=1,keepdims=True),x[2]], axis=1), axis=1, keepdims=True),name='l2_loss')([features,centers,input_target])
- CV注意力机制CBAM
- 优化器lookahead
- 学习率 SGDR
- 优化器AdaBound
- 正则化