Pretty Paissa - v0.2.0
Welcome to another release! This time, we have a pretty paissa going! This is mainly a stability and patch release, however some things are inside which warrant the minor version increase. Let‘s get to the changes!
New Features:
- Discord sign in is now available! #3
- Slot allocations for gamepad
- New builder UX (give it a try!)
- Dragging of actions across dialogs wasn‘t possible #4
- The user dialog couldn‘t be closed properly #2
- Builder has no default phase for recording #7
Some code had to be refactored to make the code base more maintainable.
However, again some known issues I haven‘t found the time to fix yet.
Known issues:
- Cross Hotbar allocation is not persisted…
Anyways, this is all for this release. With this release, this project will also switch to a 2 week sprint to ease the burden on the sole dev a bit with a new release after each sprint.
Cheers and have fun rotating,