The authentication module for the new net9 system.
git clone git://
cd net9-auth
cp config.example.js config.js
vim config.js
node-waf configure build
node app.js
What we have right now:
- User registration
- User info editing (see
- App registration (sign up for an app token)
- OAuth 2.0
- TODO: Refresh token, scope support, remember an app is authorized, etc.
- Partial LDAP support (authentication, search and modify)
- TODO: ldapadd
To-do list:
- Notification system? That could be pretty useful.
- (maybe) a key-value store?
Right now we're trying to do this with node.js (express) and mongodb.
This may or may not will probably not change to Rails or
Currently used libraries: (gotta find a way to formally include this. Maybe .gitmodules?)
- express
- jade
- less (less.js)
- mongoose
- (planned) node-ldap